Primeval Fic: Prelude To The Storm (Warning: Dark Themes)

May 25, 2018 23:58

Title: Prelude To The Storm
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 3563
Characters: Stephen Hart, OCs.
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For my Primeval Bingo (card 9) prompt: Wild Card - One of the Dispossessed. Thanks go to fififolle for the beta, cheers m'dear. All ( Read more... )

stephen hart, horror, au, dark themes, bingo fic, fic, world building, ocs, fantasy, oc deaths

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Comments 8

nietie May 26 2018, 08:22:24 UTC
Wow! Such a wonderful AU and you described it so beautifully, including Stevin’s feelings during this harrowing journey.


knitekat May 26 2018, 19:08:27 UTC
*bows* Thank you and glad you liked it, even if I was mean to Stevin and everyone else.

I might write more - this was cut from the original fic.


fififolle May 28 2018, 09:44:54 UTC
Ooh, yay! Great to see this appear. Stevin has some interesting adventures ahead, I'm sure.


knitekat May 29 2018, 20:16:22 UTC
*bows* Thanks and thanks again for the beta. Stevin has, once I've figured it all out (all that worldbuilding has got to be used).

Thanks for reading.


fredbassett May 30 2018, 20:26:41 UTC
You really do excel at fantasy world-building! This was great :)


knitekat June 3 2018, 18:55:14 UTC
*bows* World-building is fun (even when it runs away from you).

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


isamazed September 1 2018, 20:38:35 UTC
Wow, this is a great fantasy setting! How do you come up with such ideas and entire new worlds?


knitekat September 2 2018, 20:50:56 UTC
*bows* Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.

Hmmm, I'm not sure really. I read a lot and get carried away with research and then just let the muse free. The fic this was culled from was started back in 2015 so I've had a long time to ponder over it.


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