Title: That's Not The Point
Author: knitekat
Word Count: James Lester, Danny Quinn
Characters: 100
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For P100 prompt 537: Danny Quinn. For my
Primeval Bingo Card (round 9) prompt: It was a Decoy / Feint / Distraction. Thanks go to Fred for casting her eyes over it for me.
“We do not use colleagues as decoys.”
“I needed something to attract the birds and keep their attention.”
“Someone, but Connor was perfectly safe.”
“Safe? You left him bleeding and unconscious in a wrecked car... Which reminds me, the repairs are coming out of your pay.”
“Yes, guv. Is that all, guv?”
“No. You used Mr Temple as bait while you were safe, having climbed a tree.”
“That was my trap. Look guv, Connor agreed to do it.”
“Mr Temple is concussed, I rather doubt he could agree to anything.”
“It worked.”
“That's not the point, Quinn.”