Title: How the Other Half Live
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester/Niall 'Blade' Richards (OC)
Rating: 15
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures and Blade belongs to James Fred. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 487: How the Other Half Live. Continuation of
Don't Judge A Book and
Memorable. Thanks go to Fred for casting her eye over it for me.
“Stop worrying, Niall, just follow my lead.”
“You've been to Lady Brocklehurst's before and she does like you.”
“That was different.”
“And how exactly was it different?”
“I was close protection then, just staff they could looked down their noses at or ignore.”
“Bloody Percy.”
“It wasn't just him. I'm your bit of rough, what have I got in common with a bunch of toffs?”
“I've seen Lady Brocklehurst's bathroom.”
“I believe you did more than see it.”
“It had gold taps.”
“Did it? I was rather distracted at the time. There is no need to smirk, Niall.”