Title: Fretting
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~150
Characters: James Lester/Jon Lyle (OC)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures and Jon Lyle to Fredbassett. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For Rain_Sleet_Snow's birthday, hope you like it and are having a good day.
Jon Lyle watched as his normally calm and unruffled lover paced and fretted. Anyone would think a major crisis was developing the way James was acting. “Dear God, James. It is only a sleepover.”
Lester paused in his attempt to wear a rut in his expensive carpet. “A sleepover? Have you any idea of how many ways it can go wrong?”
Lyle bit back a sigh and gathered Lester in his arms. “Look, love.” He pressed a kiss to Lester's temple. “We'll organise the sleeping arrangements, check for allergies and arrange for Mrs Pembleton to take over if an anomaly opens. What could possible go wrong?”
The raised eyebrow told Lyle he was about to receive a long and detailed list, so he kissed Lester thoroughly and took him to bed. Everything would turn out fine and if it didn't, well, they would deal with it. They coped with dinosaurs every day, how much harder could seven teenagers be?