Primeval fic: Mission: Taking Down The Farms - for fifi (fandom stocking repost)

Jan 14, 2014 18:30

Title: Mission: Taking Down The Farms
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 5286
Characters: James Lester, Tom Ryan, Danny Quinn, OCs.
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For Fifi, hope you like this AU. Also fits my Primeval bingo prompt: Mission/Case fic ( Read more... )

slash, mission series, bingo fic, fic, ocs, james lester, deathfic, danny quinn, blood, abo, torture, au, implied non-con, lester/ryan, pissing, fandom stocking, tom ryan

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Comments 8

fififolle January 14 2014, 21:05:31 UTC
I absolutely loved this to death *g* It was bloody brilliant.
They are so professional and sexy :D And Danny was very awesome!
Thank you so much xxx


knitekat January 14 2014, 22:12:13 UTC
*bows* Good to know you still like it.

*nods* The boys had to be professional and Danny gatecrashed again ;)

You're welcome and thanks for reading.


fredbassett January 14 2014, 21:06:11 UTC
Eeeeep! Evil puppy farm!! Lester and Ryan undercover!! Pissing!!


That was great :)


knitekat January 14 2014, 22:13:18 UTC
*nods* It had to be with Fifi's prompts. Glad you liked the boys undercover and the pissing ;)

Thanks for reading.


aunteeneenah January 15 2014, 03:44:09 UTC
Wow! So good! You did take a different direction here, didn't you. Two Alphas. Wonderful, but a heart-breaking back story for Lester. How horrible. Loved it.


knitekat January 15 2014, 20:28:44 UTC
*bows* Good to know having them both as alphas worked. Sorry, poor Lester wrote his own backstory.

Thanks for reading.


goldarrow January 23 2014, 06:33:36 UTC
That was sad, scary, brilliant then totally hot!


knitekat January 23 2014, 19:25:45 UTC
The boys agree, they weren't too happy to start with but they'd loved the ending ;)

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


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