Primeval drabble: No Need To Worry...

Dec 15, 2013 18:36

Title: No Need To Worry...
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, Jon Lyle (OC)
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace. Lyle, of course, belongs to Fred.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 345: Tidings of Comfort and Joy. Part 36 of my Strange Bedfellows Read more... )

strange bedfellows drabble series, drabble, james lester, jon lyle (oc), gen

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Comments 22

lsellersfic December 15 2013, 19:09:01 UTC
Hmm... Is Lyle sure about that?


knitekat December 16 2013, 20:50:24 UTC
Lyle was... now he's looking worried again.

Thanks for reading.


adafrog December 15 2013, 22:26:56 UTC
Hmmm......sounds fishy.


knitekat December 16 2013, 20:51:18 UTC
The boys hope not... but if it was easy, someone would already have broken it.

Thanks for reading.


kristen_mara December 16 2013, 07:50:39 UTC

LOL, whining Lyle! And ooo, a quest for the boys to undertake!


knitekat December 16 2013, 20:53:06 UTC
Hee, Lyle just had to whine, until he realised he was ;)

A quest seemed to make sense when I have a witch and semi-cannibalistic/zombies village-folk. It is also a way to get them back home... at some point.

Thanks for reading.


dreamer_98 December 16 2013, 16:47:46 UTC
Hmm, I have a feeling Lyle won't be feeling relieved for long. Nice!


knitekat December 16 2013, 20:55:21 UTC
Lyle really hopes you're wrong.

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


nietie December 17 2013, 13:05:32 UTC
Mmm, not reassured at all.


knitekat December 17 2013, 22:20:23 UTC
LOL, possibly not. The muse is having fun with this series and I'm just trying to keep it in check ;)

Thanks for reading.


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