Primeval drabble: A Fatal Mistake

Aug 10, 2013 19:47

Title: A Fatal Mistake
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: Connor Temple/James Lester
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 327: The Morning After. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and follows Proper Procedures. Thanks go ( Read more... )

making an impression drabble series, drabble, connor temple, slash, james lester, connor/lester

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Comments 26

aunteeneenah August 10 2013, 21:53:26 UTC
"Fatal"? Hmmm, just what do you have planned for Philip?


knitekat August 11 2013, 19:20:21 UTC
Hee, who knows. It all depends on the prompts ;)

Thanks for reading.


aunteeneenah August 11 2013, 20:17:33 UTC
Oh, yeah, take no responsibility at all because it's all up to the prompt. **winks**


knitekat August 11 2013, 20:36:00 UTC
But, it is true... to some extent ;) Although I'm sure my muse will be happy to take responsibility for whatever happens.


nietie August 11 2013, 09:59:13 UTC
Ooh, fatal? Tell me!


knitekat August 11 2013, 19:21:18 UTC
You'll have to wait to find out ;)

Thanks for reading.


kristen_mara August 11 2013, 11:27:44 UTC

Eeeek - was that just a turn of phrase????


knitekat August 11 2013, 19:22:35 UTC
That is what Connor wants to know ;)

Thanks for reading.


dreamer_98 August 11 2013, 21:45:48 UTC
Uh oh, it sounds like James has a plan to take care of Philip. Nice.


knitekat August 12 2013, 18:22:28 UTC
Uh oh for Philip ;) *nods* I'm sure James had a plan.

Glad you liked it and thanks for reading.


stealingpennies August 12 2013, 17:21:16 UTC

See Connor you can trust James! *g* Nice scene - what a pity you only get 100 words in a drabble! :)


knitekat August 12 2013, 18:24:01 UTC
*nods* Of course Connor can trust James.

Glad you liked the scene. True, but the prompts have taken the series in interesting directions.

Thanks for reading.


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