Primeval drabble: The Day Just Got Better

Apr 17, 2013 20:27

Title: The Day Just Got Better
Author: knitekat
Word Count: 100
Characters: James Lester, OC
Rating: 12
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N: For the P100 challenge 311: In The Sewers. Part of my Making An Impression drabble series and continues from Saving The Damsel. Thanks ( Read more... )

oc, making an impression drabble series, drabble, james lester, gen

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Comments 49

misa_ffection April 17 2013, 20:33:32 UTC
Better the suit than his skin.


knitekat April 18 2013, 19:43:16 UTC
True, but James is very attached to his suit ;)

That icon is very apt.

Thanks for reading.


misa_ffection April 18 2013, 21:03:11 UTC
He's such a peacock.

I know ;)

How much is he taking off? For reference... *innocent*


knitekat April 18 2013, 21:55:43 UTC
James is not looking impressed, nor is he buying your *innocent* expression ;)


fififolle April 17 2013, 21:04:04 UTC
Eww! Needs must, James! *g*


knitekat April 18 2013, 19:56:35 UTC
James agrees with the ewww. He's firmly hoping the next prompt helps keep him out of the sewers ;)

Thanks for reading.


goldarrow April 18 2013, 01:41:31 UTC
*g* Terrific excuse to get him out of the suit, yeah?

Love his reaction to the woman's shock. Lester version of 'keep up'.


knitekat April 18 2013, 19:57:54 UTC
*drools* at that thought. Although I think he's prefer it if Connor was the excuse ;)

*nods* Lester doesn't do shock ;)

Thanks for reading.


kristen_mara April 18 2013, 10:54:17 UTC

LOL and ooooo - good luck with the trip downwards, you two *G*


knitekat April 18 2013, 19:58:30 UTC
Hee, James is hopeful he can avoid the trip downwards.

Thanks for reading.


judithjohn April 18 2013, 11:07:27 UTC
Very Lester!


knitekat April 18 2013, 19:58:54 UTC
Thanks, glad you think so.


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