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Comments 8

fredbassett December 28 2012, 18:17:47 UTC
Aw, poor Lester thinking Becker wouldn't want to be with him.

Lovely yummy smut here :)

And ooh, a holiday.....


knitekat December 28 2012, 22:38:36 UTC
*nods* Lester had to angst over things.

Hee, glad you liked the smut.

*nods* Holidays are good.

Glad you liked it and thanks for the beta. *hugs*


reggietate December 28 2012, 23:51:31 UTC
Love the casual fixit, and Becker's angstiness. James really needs to shag him through the mattress and the storm the ARC and regain his office :-D


knitekat December 29 2012, 16:30:22 UTC
Glad you liked the casual fixit - there was supposed to be more, but James disagreed ;) Becker has to angst *nods* I'm sure James will sort him out ;)

Thanks for reading.


kerry_louise December 29 2012, 00:22:44 UTC
Oh this makes for yummy bedtime reading! Lovely and hot and angsty and sweet and yay for the Nick/Stephen and Ryan mentions! *dashes of to part two*


knitekat December 29 2012, 16:32:00 UTC
*collapses in relief* Glad you liked it and that it makes yummy bedtime reading. Nick/Stephen were supposed to be in it more, but James said no ;)

Hope you enjoy part two and very happy you liked this part.


eriah211 January 8 2013, 21:57:12 UTC
A bit angsty and sweet and yummy to. Great first part!


knitekat January 9 2013, 00:03:49 UTC
Glad yuou liked it, the boys were determined to angst but at least they had fun as well.

Thanks for reading.


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