Primeval fic: Bathed By Blood (11/16)

Jun 05, 2012 21:03

Title: Bathed By Blood (11/16)
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~3755 (of a total ~47955)
Characters: James Lester, Tom Ryan and a cast of RPs, OCs and OHs.
Pairing: James Lester/Tom Ryan
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: Part of my AU Bloodverse series. Continues from Part 10 and continues in Part 12.
A/N 2: Contains details of historical fact, several individuals in the fic are based on real historical people.
A/N 3: Thanks go to Fred for the beta. Cheers, m'dear.
Warnings: Dark!fic, bloodplay, blood and gore in general (graphic descriptions), angst, hurt/comfort.

Dawn was breaking when I final returned home. To the righteous anger of Hattie who tore into me for my unexplained absence, informing me that Ryan had been worried sick over me and feared that I had been attacked once more by ruffians. I heard the words she did not utter, that she had been worried about me. From the look she gave me, I could have sworn she had known of my actions that night and was worried about my reaction to what I had almost done.

As soon as possible, I made my escape and retreated to my bedroom. I had barely entered when I found myself pinned against the wall with Ryan kissing me desperately. “I feared something had befallen you, my sire. That you had encountered this killer we hunt or...” His voice trailed off as he pressed another kiss against my lips, hard and demanding as if making sure I was still alive... well, still existed I supposed I should say.

I returned Ryan's kiss forcefully as I pulled him tightly against me. I needed to feel him in my arms and refused to release him as he tried to pull free.

“Sire?” Ryan's voice held an edge of worry as he asked me, “James? What happened? Please, tell me.”

I shook my head and clung to him tighter, I feared what he would say and what his reaction would be if I told him the truth.

Ryan's voice was gentle, almost as if he was trying to calm a scared child. “Please, James. Tell me what happened last night.” He stroked a hand over my back in a comforting manner. “Come on, James. Talk to me, love.” I felt a fool as I sniffled and blubbered like a child against his shoulder. “James, please, you're worrying me.”

I let my head rest on Ryan's shoulder as I slowly began to calm down. How could I tell him what I had almost done? I allowed Ryan to lead me to our bed... would it still be ours if I told him? I did not resist as he pulled me into his arms and I curled up in his sheltering embrace. I needed that comfort one more time before I lost it forever.

I had no idea how long I lay in his arms, feeling Ryan's hand stroke down my back as he rocked me. I swallowed before pulling free as I knew I had to tell him the truth. I could not lie to him just to keep him by my side. If Ryan wanted nothing more to do with me, I would fulfil my duty to him and find him another to mentor him. Perhaps Christiana if she stayed in Paris, for I doubted I could stand to see Ryan with someone else in London.

“James?” Ryan's voice was gentle as he sought to coax the answers from me.

“I...” I swallowed hard as my voice cracked. “I did something terrible, Ryan.” When Ryan shook his head in denial, I put my fingers to his lips. “Let me finish.” I mentally added my love but could not say it out loud, I did not know if I deserved the honour of calling him that. “My meeting with the Council did not go well.” I shook my head violently. “No. I will not excuse what I did.” I took a deep breath. “I used my domination on PC James Harvey. I was sure he had seen the murderer and I wanted to force him to tell me what he had seen.”

“Did he?” Ryan's voice was still gentle but I could hear the hesitation as if he was shocked by my action, and I did not blame him as I was still shocked that I had even considered my action, let alone carried it out.

I bowed my head as I felt my eyes tear, I felt ashamed of the self-pity that welled in my heart. “I don't know. He began to convulse as the two dominations vied for control. I...”

“You what? Please tell me.” I was amazed at how gentle Ryan's voice remained in the face of my crime.

“I could not continue. I wiped my actions from his mind and let him go.” I refused to lift my gaze to see the horror and disgust I knew I'd see in Ryan's eyes.

“You stopped.” I could not reply to Ryan's statement, I saw little point as I knew I had lost him, lost his love, forever. I felt his fingers on my chin as he made me look up at him, although his features were blurry through my unshed tears. “You stopped, James. You realised what you were doing was wrong and you stopped.”

“I still...” I did not get to finish my response as Ryan drew me into a kiss. Gentle and comforting and I did not understand how he could still bear to touch me.

“You are not a monster, James. If you were you would have continued until you had the truth from him and he lay dead or mad on the ground. You stopped when you realised you were hurting him. Those are not the actions of a monster, love. They are the actions of a good man.” I shook my head in denial as my tears fell once more, but Ryan pulled me into his arms and cradled me. “What happened at the Council?”

“What?” I was embarrassed at that utterance, where had my manners gone?

Ryan pressed a kiss against my hair. “You said the meeting with the Council did not go well, my sire.” When I just sighed in answer, Ryan resumed rubbing my back and I felt such a liar, undeserving of his comfort. “Please, James. I worry about you.” He then pulled out the big guns. “If you do not tell me you will have to tell Hattie.”

I closed my eyes. Hattie was another person I did not want to disappoint. She might, officially, be my servant but she was more of a friend. Someone who would call me on my mistakes and make sure I looked after myself. I took a deep breath, “My Lady implied I had not discovered the murderer as he is one of my Line, someone close to me. I... I feared she was referring to you...”

I could not help my flinch when Ryan hissed in an angry breath. He instantly held me tighter and smoothed a hand down my back. “Shh, love. It is My Lady I am angry with. You are the most honourable man I have ever known, how she...” Ryan trailed off as a thought obviously occurred to him. “Do you think she knows who the killer is?”

I shrugged in Ryan's grip. “It had occurred to me, domination is an ability of her Line as much as our own.” I needed to know whether Ryan truly forgave me for my actions. “Ryan...?”


“I. That is. Um.” I was not normally this bad at expressing myself and so tried again. “Ryan. Do you... can you forgive me?”

“Forgive you?” At Ryan's words I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, of course he did not. How could he? “Of course I do.” His words were such a great surprise to me that I pulled out of his arms and looked at him in shock. He forgave me? “Oh, my sire. I blame My Lady for what happened, not you.”

“You do?” I could not believe how lucky I was that Ryan was willing to overlook my terrible behaviour.

Ryan just laughed softly and pulled me down for a kiss. “Of course I do. I love you.”

I forgot to breathe at his declaration and kissed him senseless. My hands swept under Ryan's shirt to touch his warm skin and I gasped into his mouth as his hands swept over my arse and pulled me close against him, so close I could feel his hardness press against my hip. It seemed only moments before I was pressing my naked body against Ryan's as I tumbled him onto the bed. He bounced on the bed with his lovely thick cock jutting proudly from his dark blond curls, glistening with pre-come and looking absolutely divine.

As a bead of moisture appeared on the tip I could not resist the urge to lean forward and take him in my mouth. His unique taste was exquisite on my tongue, as pleasurable as the finest wine or the most desirable blood to my palate. I took Ryan as deep as I could before sliding back up to swirl my tongue around his tip. I easily held his hips down as I teased and licked him to a full erection, before sliding up and down his length and swallowing around him.

“James. Please. Feels so good.” Ryan's gasps and moans of pleasure went straight to my cock, heavy and in desperate need of attention. I grinned around my mouthful, knowing exactly what I wanted. What I needed and I was sure Ryan would enjoy it too. In fact, I knew he would.

I released his cock and sat up with a smirk. I kissed and nuzzled and nipped my way up his body until I could place a kiss on his mouth, mashing our lips together until our blood flowed and mixed. I pulled free with a smile, blood trickling down my chin until I reached a finger to catch it. I heard Ryan's moan as I sucked my finger, licking it clean of our blood.

“Sire.” Ryan begged as his hips rose, seeking more of me.

I was happy to oblige him as I swooped in to lick at the blood dripping down his chin to run in rivulets down his sweat-dampened skin. His moan drove all patience from me, I needed him and I needed him now. I straddled Ryan's hips and began to lower myself towards his straining cock.

Ryan's hands gripped my hips in a bruising grip that merely served to fuel my desire. “You are not ready, sire.”

I leaned down and kissed him, sliding my tongue against his lips until he granted me entrance. “Remember, pleasure and pain together, my love.” I took a deep breath and relaxed as much as I could, after all, the whole point was for me to accept his cock inside me and I could hardly do that if I was too tight. Pain might be the point of this encounter but I did want the pleasure that came with it.

I moaned as I felt his hard cock nudge against my opening, teasing myself and him for an instant before I pressed down onto him. I almost gasped as my body resisted this penetration. I should have realised it would be more difficult that I remembered, it had been many decades if not more since I had last done this. However, I knew what must be done and grunted with the effort as I impaled myself on Ryan, feeling my flesh tear and smelling my blood in the air as I forced myself further down on his stiff shaft. The pain was excruciating.

“Sire!” Ryan looked terrified as he gripped my hips and attempted to keep me still.

The smell of blood was heavy in the air, intoxicating, as I bent down to kiss him. Grimacing in pain as his wilting cock tore into my soft innards. “Trust me, my dearest Ryan,” I breathed as I nipped at his nose and began to move. I felt him firm as I rode him hard and fast, clenching around him and hitting my sweet spot with each pass, sending waves of pleasure to chase the spikes of pain that surged along my nerves. Meeting and doubling in strength and I only just muffled my scream as I came. I barely remembered to clamp down hard around Ryan before I fell into darkness, barely aware as he spurted inside me.

Ryan was nuzzling at my neck as I came back to awareness. “Sire? Are you hurt?” I almost laughed at the absurdity of his question, of course I was bloody hurt. I was bleeding fairly heavily and his cock was glistening red. “Should I call Dr Hunter? Sire?”

I pulled Ryan into a kiss, all clashing teeth and crushing lips. “I will be fine.” At his uncertain look and his aborted glance at our no doubt blood-sodden sheets, I added, “It felt wonderful, love. But you could help me clean up.”

“Of course.” Ryan moved to retrieve the cloth we kept for such purposes, but I stopped him easily.

“Use your tongue. The saliva will aid my healing.” I sighed contentedly as Ryan set to work cleansing me of all traces of our activity. His tongue dipped inside me as he shoved as much saliva inside my abused arse as possible. It was more pleasure, not that I had lied, vampire saliva aided our healing - ours and our prey's. It felt so bloody good to have his tongue touching me in my most intimate places, I was almost surprised I did not harden again. No, no I wasn't. I had forgotten that the blood loss would have dampened my ardour. I wondered if we still had a bottle nearby, I really wasn't ready to face the disapproval of Hattie just yet. Not that she would not soon learn of our escapades, for Ethel would have to change our sheets.

Ryan pressed a kiss against my lips before he replaced them with his wrist. The rich, dark taste of blood dripped against my lips and I swiftly fastened them around Ryan's flesh, swallowing several times as I luxuriated in the essence of my lover. Finally I pulled free and licked the small wound he had made closed. I smiled up at Ryan. “Thank you.”

“You are most welcome.” Ryan had a far away look in his eyes before he turned to stare deeply into my own. “You enjoyed that sex?”

“I did.” I could have stopped there but I knew I had to tell Ryan the truth, he deserved that. He deserved everything I could give him and much more besides. “It hurt like buggery to start with, but once the blood started to flow and the sweet spot was found... it was bloody wonderful.”

“You want to have me like that?”

Ryan sounded so uncertain I had to wonder if I had made an error in judgement. My second of the night. Had I pushed too far with the bloodplay? He had enjoyed what we had done previously, but maybe I had gone too far, too soon? I tugged him down for another kiss. “Only if you want to, Ryan,” I promised him. “It is merely another way to make love. For our kind,” I elaborated. “It would seriously injure a mortal, indeed, it would probably kill them.”

Ryan nodded, his look of uncertainly replaced by curiosity. “I think I would like to try it, sire. You looked so bloody high as you rode me.”

I breathed in relief. “Later, love. I think we would do well to build to that level.” I noticed Ryan's pout. “Every man and vampire had a point he can not go past.” I smiled at him. “And besides, my dear Ryan, I love it just as much when we make love for hours, our hips just rocking gently as we fall into bliss together.”

Ryan's expression took on a dreamy look as he remembered those marathon love-making sessions, slowly moving as one for hours at a time, if not days when we had the time.

I yawned tiredly as the blood loss made its effects known. I felt Ryan pull me into his arms and I snuggled against him and slipped into sleep.

I woke sometime later to find myself lying on fresh, clean sheets and held tightly in Ryan's embrace, my head pillowed on his broad chest. I had obviously slept the sleep of the dead if I had not been awoken by the bedding being changed or myself cleansed. The night I had spent prowling around the streets of London and the sex with Ryan must have really taken it out of me... that and most likely the blood loss.

“Are you well.” Ryan pressed a kiss against my hair. “Sire? James? Do you still hurt? Should I call Dr Hunter?”

I had neither the wish nor the need to summon John to my bedside, and not just because he had to be on my list of suspects. I smiled at Ryan for I could see his concern over my well-being, I would have to reassure my lover and twisted until I could kiss him on the lips. “Honestly? I am sore. I will be for sometime.” At Ryan's worried look, I kissed him again. “I loved it, Ryan. It felt so, so good.”

“It did?” Ryan sounded shocked. “How could you enjoy that? I tore you so badly I feared you had lost too much blood.” Ryan obviously was still disturbed as he continued, “It looked like it hurt so much.”

“It did, my love. It did, but pleasure was there also. Such pleasure.” I knew I had a foolish grin on my face but did not care, not right now. “I have already shown you how pain can heighten pleasure, Ryan. What we did just took that pleasure and pain to the highest level.” I paused as I remembered his words from earlier, I had to know even though I feared what his answer would be. “Do you still want me to have you like that? To make you bleed as I tear your arse open?” I held my breath as I waited for Ryan's answer, his expression was thoughtful and I fought the urge to coax the answer I wanted from him. I would not force Ryan to participate if he did not wish too.

Ryan tilted his head to one side as he considered his answer and then smiled at me. “Do not look so worried, James. I still want to try, I want to know what you like so much about having your arse torn asunder.”

I snorted at his comment. “Good, but only when you are ready.” I pulled him down for another kiss. “Now, love, I want you to do something for me.”

“Anything.” Ryan answered without hesitation.

“Make love to me.” I smiled at Ryan's horrified expression.

“So soon? You're still healing from this morning.”

I shook my head. “No, love. Slow and sweet.”

Ryan smiled and grabbed the oil. His relief on hearing how I wanted him to make love to me was palatable. “On your belly, my love.”

I eagerly obeyed and had soon settled myself comfortable on my silk sheets as I opened my legs for Ryan's ministrations. I moaned as he eased my cheeks open and shivered in delight as his stubble rasped against my most intimate parts as he licked a stripe along my crack. It felt so bloody good and served to ease some of the soreness that still lingered from our earlier love-making. My hips wiggled on the bedding as he gently pushed his tongue inside me and lazily thrust it in and out. I shivered again at the feel of his saliva slipping inside my body and opened my legs wider in an unmistakeable request. I felt Ryan's warm breath as he chuckled against my skin and then his oiled finger stroked around my hole. The oil felt soothing as Ryan massaged it into my opening and I could not help the shudder as he seemed to pour the entire bottle inside me. It felt so good as he gently moved the finger inside me and I groaned and shoved back as he pressed against my sweet spot. Ryan's free hand caressed my back and arse before slipping around to stroke my cock, his touch teasing and barely there. I was soon lost in the twin feelings as he carefully opened me ready for his cock.

I was drifting in pleasure when I felt Ryan pull his fingers free and I must have made a displeased sound as I heard his chuckle. Before I could drew breath to complain about his absence, he pressed his cock against my opening and slowly rubbed it against me. The sensation was wonderful and swiftly improved as he oh so gently pushed inside. Opening me up infinitely slowly as he slipped his cock inch by glorious inch into me until he filled me to the hilt. My still-sore opening spasmed around him and he trailed ghost-light fingers over my skin until I lay totally relaxed and open beneath him. His hips hardly moved as he rocked inside me, the tip of his cock barely brushing over my sweet spot and sending shivers of pleasure along my nerves. I felt so limp and boneless under his attention, apart from my rock-hard cock, while I allowed Ryan to do what he wished to me. I could feel the heat begin to coil slowly in my guts, ebbing and flowing as he took us towards our peak before keeping us there for what felt like an eternity of bliss until my orgasm flowed over me like a warm tide. As my arse spasmed and convulsed around Ryan I felt him pulse against the walls of my most intimate passage as he spilled his essence inside me.

I moaned softly as Ryan withdrew, already missing his presence inside me. I moaned again as he spread my buttocks and his warm tongue licked and slurped and probed inside me as he collected all he had unloaded into me. I could do nothing but lay there and let Ryan touch me most intimately and lose myself in the pleasure he gave me. I was still boneless as I felt Ryan pull me into his arms and I was quite content to drift back to sleep.

bloodverse series, slash, au, fic, lester/ryan, oc, blood!play, james lester, angst, tom ryan

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