Primeval fic: Bathed By Blood (1/16)

May 01, 2012 22:06

Title: Bathed By Blood (1/16)
Author: knitekat
Word Count: ~3425 (of a total ~47955)
Characters: James Lester, Tom Ryan and a cast of RPs, OCs and OHs.
Pairing: James Lester/Tom Ryan
Rating: 18
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures. Certainly not me. Writing for fun and will replace.
A/N 1: Part of my AU Bloodverse series and continues in Part 2.
A/N 2: Contains details of historical fact, several individuals in the fic are based on real historical people.
A/N 3: Thanks go to Fred for the beta. Cheers, m'dear.
Warnings: Dark!fic, bloodplay, blood and gore in general (graphic descriptions), angst, hurt/comfort.

I smiled at Ryan as he sat opposite me in my carriage. He looked so divine in his attire that I desired nothing more than to lean forward and partake of his lips. If it would not have been unseemly, I would have instructed Charlie to turn us around and make all haste back to my house. It certainly did not help my willpower when the tip of Ryan's tongue appeared between his lips as he licked them. I was not convinced of the innocence of that gesture and knew I was correct when he looked coyly at me from beneath his lowered eyelashes.

“Tease,” I hissed and was very near to calling it a night when I felt my carriage draw to a smooth halt and knew we had arrived at our destination. It would be far too noticeable to leave now and I had no wish to be the subject of gossip, or worse, to cause concern for those in the know. Not to mention that I had been looking forward to watching this play, but that did not mean I would let Ryan get away with his conduct. As I rose to leave the carriage I made sure that I accidentally, but thoroughly, caressed Ryan's thigh.

I could hear Ryan's muffled curse as I stepped out onto the pavement outside the Lyceum Theatre. I took the opportunity to glance around the street as I waited for Ryan to join me. Young flower sellers in their brightly coloured shawls and drab patched dresses sought to sell their wares to the passing crowds with great success. My fellow theatre attenders, in sharp contrast, were garbed in expensively tailored and elegant clothing, much like my own and Ryan's. Thinking of Ryan, I turned towards my carriage and smiled as he finally joined me, for I was convinced his delay had been to carefully adjust himself in his trousers. Good, I had little doubt that our love-making this night would be most enjoyable. I paused to pat my matched pair before turning to Charlie. “Return to the house, Charlie. Bed Deimos and Phobos down for the night. Ryan and I will hail a hansom home.”

“Zur?” Charlie did not look most pleased with my instructions. “Utchy com back ater play, zur, or zay 'ere and ooait vor 'ee.”

“No, I think not.” I rubbed the satin smooth skin on Phobos' nose when he pushed against my hand for attention. “I believe I will visit my club, Charlie. Tell Becker not to wait up.” I started to step away before adding, “Inform him I do not wish to rise before midday.”

“Utchy ool, zur.” Charlie tugged his forelock before instructing my matched pair to move on. I paused to watch their motion, they had indeed been a most suitable purchase.

I turned back to Ryan when he softly cleared his throat to gain my attention and I smiled as I took in his appearance once more. He really did fill his clothes rather well, even if I preferred him naked and in my bed. I shook my head for those were not thoughts to have in a public street, although if the play did not live up to its reviews, I was certain I would still enjoy it - or to be precise, I would enjoy Ryan. I once more gave thanks to my purchase many years before of a private box, one that not only had a good view of the stage but was most secluded from any prying eyes. I might be able to make witnesses forget any indiscretion they witnessed, but I had always held the view that discretion was the best policy when two men being in love was a crime.

“I say, James, old man.” I almost closed my eyes as I heard my name called out by a well known voice. Just who I least wanted to see, for Ronald seemed to have little understanding of discretion. It was well known in the circles we both frequented that he was, in the popular vernacular, a backgammon player. Obviously I did not care about that, only that someone might take more notice of my own subtle relationship with Ryan if we were seen with Ronald and the man who was clearly his current beau.

Even with that risk, I still had little option but to turn and greet him. Manners after all were important for one of my status. “Ronald. How good to see you.” I quirked an eyebrow at his companion and waited for him to supply the answer.

“Frank, this is my old friend, Sir James Lester and...” Ronald paused, “I am sorry, my good man, I do not know your name.”

“Thomas Ryan, formerly Captain Thomas Ryan of Her Majesty’s armed forces, sir.” I bit back a smile as Ryan nearly snapped off a salute to Ronald.

“Ah, a fighting man.” Ronald's eyes lit up at Ryan's words and I stepped closer to my lover, a propriety gesture for I knew of Ronald perchance for soldiers. Ronald's eyes flicked to meet mine and I relaxed when he barely bowed his head in acknowledgement that Ryan was out of his reach, that he was mine. “Enjoy the play, I know I will.” Ronald shot a lecherous leer at Frank and I only just refrained from rolling my eyes at his antics in full view of anyone watching. Sometimes it amazed me that Ronald and, oh yes, Frank were not serving at her majesty's pleasure. I supposed money, old money at that, helped. Old money and titles and having once been a MP. That and the fact that although Ronald might be indiscreet, the establishment would have considered a scandal in the newspapers if he was arrested and charged with being homosexual to have been far worse.

“You too, Ronald.” I nodded at Frank before heading inside and into the secluded comfort of my box. I knew full well that Ronald and Frank would be in their own box, although I did have to wonder if they would be watching the play at all or just engaging in other pleasurable activities. I cursed the direction of my thoughts as my cock twitched and stirred in interest.

I made myself comfortable in my over-stuffed chair and smiled as I took hold of Ryan's hand. He shot me a startled look before glancing around to check who might witness my overt gesture. I squeezed his hand and when he looked at me I told him, my voice low so as to carry only to his ears, “I promise we are concealed from public view, my sweetheart.”

I smiled as I saw Ryan's shocked look before he squeezed my hand back and leaned in close, his breath brushing my ear. “I will enjoy using the windward passage later, sweetheart.”

I noticed Ryan knowing look when I had to discretely rearrange myself in my now-confining trousers and I shot him a heated look for his teasing. I vowed to make him remember our activities tonight for some time. “You will not be the only one. Now, hush, I really do wish to see this play.”

“I apologise, my sire.”

Ryan did not look that apologetic in my opinion but he did settle down to watch the play, even if I did notice his hand stray slightly too close to his tackle for propriety's sake. It took some effort of willpower to drag my attention back to the stage and I had to take a deep breath as I tried to relax. I really did want to watch the play, having read several good reviews and I had high hopes for I had enjoyed the novelette it was based on. I had seen the celebrated Richard Mansfield in other plays and looked forward to seeing his performance in the lead role of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. As I waited for the curtain to rise I found myself once more musing of the parallel between the novelette and my own existence

I smiled as the play progressed and found myself waiting for the dramatic scene I knew was coming. It would be perfect for my plan and it would serve Ryan for his earlier teasing. When the attention of the audience was mesmerised by the events on the stage I pulled Ryan in for a deep kiss. He tensed under my lips and I smiled against them, I knew no one would be paying attention to us and had soon coaxed Ryan into kissing me back. I reluctantly pulled free and rubbed my thumb over his hand, my voice almost a breath as I told him, “Tonight, my love.” Ryan swallowed and nodded as he shifted uncomfortably in his own chair.

We settled down once more to watch the play and I was pleased to discover it was as good as had been claimed. I tilted my head as I caught the faint sounds coming from Ronald's box. It appeared I was not the only one taking advantage of the distraction the play provided, although I had limited myself to only a single kiss.

I woke with a mutter of annoyance as sunlight hit my face. I had retired late last night after a pleasant evening at both the theatre and my club with Ryan, even if we had had to put up with Ronald and his beau for sometime before I begged leave claiming I had an early start in the morning. I smiled as I remembered Ryan pouting at me in the hansom the doorman had summoned at my request. As soon as the bedroom door had closed behind us I had leaned forward and kissed him. He had swallowed when I told him I could not have taken another minute of Ronald and his lover, not when all I wished to do is be with him, in our bed. Together. I had taken great pleasure in stripping him naked before I had my wicked way with him and him with me. For several hours. It had been a most enjoyable end to the evening.

My musings about last night screeched to a halt as I remembered I had left instructions not to be woken before midday. From the way the sun hit my face I knew it was far too early for by late morning the sun did not shine through my window... My eyes flew open as I turned to check the whereabouts of my lover. Although I was unharmed by the sun, Ryan was still learning to withstand its burning rays. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found him buried under the covers and still safely in the shade.

“Ethel,” I growled out, wondering what had possessed her to draw the drapes on myself and Ryan without warning us she was about to do so.

“Zurry, zur.” Ethel curtsied, “Thur be a gentleman vrom Scotland Yard downstayers, zur. Er zaid er mozt zeak to 'ee urgently, zur.” Ethel paused and I indicated that she could speak her mind. “Pardon nif baint me place, zur, but er looks to 'ave things on his'n mind.”

Interesting. “And the drapes?” I still didn't understand why the presence of, I assumed, a policeman would make her draw them back. She had been up from my estate long enough to know Ryan still had problems with the sun.

“Maister Becker zuggezted it, zur.”

“He did?” Becker certainly knew better. If he felt it necessary to instruct Ethel to do so, I knew I needed to know why. “Please explain.”

Ethel nodded. “Un of the zable boyz, Matthew it war zur, er told maister Becker er ziden look at tem all curious, zur. Maister Becker beanhond ream tem mid holt en vondering. Tha'ave be all zortz norationz, zur. Every zunz thik book. Turbul liez, zur.”

I sighed. Yes, that damned book. If the Council got their hands on Stoker... or more likely on whomever had given him the information. That had been the other reason I had attended the play last night for Stoker was the manager at the Lyceum and I had wanted to see him, even though I doubted his contact would be seen publicly with him, not if he or she valued their continuing existence. I paused in thought. It was possible although unlikely that Stoker had pieced together the various tales about my kind by himself. His book certainly contained a strange mixture of weaknesses and abilities from several Bloodlines. However, I still had the strong feeling that it was one of our own who had fed him half-truths, thinking it would be amusing to announce our existence to the public. I was convinced it was also one turned in the last century or so, for only one who had never lived through the Witchhunts would risk calling one down on us. I sighed softly; whoever was responsible was a thought for another day for I had a Scotland Yard policeman to deal with. I nodded to Ethel, “Very good. I'll be down in ten minutes.” I glanced back at Ryan as I added, “I believe the study will be sufficient for my meeting. Please inform Becker we will require tea.”

“Utchy ool, zur.” Ethel bobbed again before pulling the curtains around my four-poster and plunging it into a welcoming gloom before she exited to allow me to dress in private, for I had never been one for valets.

I smiled as I glanced at Ryan. He looked so inviting and I couldn't help myself as I pressed a kiss against his forehead. I had to hold onto my control with an iron will when he moved and grabbed me most intimately. “Later, love. I have police business to attend to.” I smiled at his pout before I added, “The sun is shining, love.”

“So I heard. I'll be careful,” Ryan murmured. “I find I can cope with the sun for some considerable time now, sire. Albeit with some discomfort.”

“Excellent.” I nodded as I quickly dressed and made myself presentable. “I am impressed by your adaptation. Most of our Line take many more years to withstand sunlight as well as you have.” I remembered my own training with the sun, or rather lack of it, for I had been too terrified of the sun to risk exposure. I did not want Ryan to fear it and be dragged near screaming into its light when he was old enough to withstand it. Not when with a bit of care and practice he could walk in daylight earlier than I had.

“I had a good teacher.” Ryan threw back the covers and I stopped breathing at the sight of him, all strong lines and firm muscle and hard cock. My cock strained towards him and I cursed softly. Appearing before a policeman, a man trained to spot details, in such a state would be most unwise. I had little time to realise Ryan's intentions before he was on me. His hands at my groin and then his mouth surrounding me as he quickly and skilfully took me to completion. Much as I usually loved the feel of Ryan's mouth on me as he sucked on my spent cock, I had a policeman to meet. I tugged on Ryan's hair and hissed as his teeth raked down my cock. Pleasure chased pain and I felt my cock twitch with renewed interest. Mmm, I had forgotten how good a little pain felt.

“My apologies, sire.” Ryan was contrite and his fingers gentle as he checked me for any damage.

I smiled as I pulled him to his feet, kissing him hard. “It felt good.”

Ryan looked shocked for a moment and I knew I would have to tread carefully. For all the ease he had adapted to his new life, I needed to remember he was still a product of his time. I would have to introduce him slowly to the pleasure that came with carefully applied pain. Just as my own sire had taught me. I smiled as I recalled my horrified reaction to that thought, before I understood how much pain heightened the pleasure when one was a vampire. But for now, I needed to soothe my lover, soothe and entice him. “A bit of pain can add spice to making love.”

“Really?” Ryan quirked an eyebrow, uncertainty warring with trust in his features. “It appears you have a darker side than I suspected, my sire,” Ryan said with a smile, obviously realising the irony of saying that to a creature of the night. He looked thoughtful for a moment before he nodded. “I think you and I will have much to talk about later.”

I smiled for he had not recoiled from the idea as I had feared. Indeed, if he wanted to discuss it tonight... I would make it pleasurable for him. The very thought of what I could do to Ryan, what he could do to me, had my cock filling and rising again. I really didn't need either those thoughts or my rapidly growing problem when I still had a no doubt highly observant policeman to deal with in only a matter of minutes. I groaned softly as Ryan's warm mouth engulfed me once more, his teeth rasping just on the side of pain as his fingers rolled my balls. I was close and came with a muffled growl as he bit lightly at my flesh. It would appear that Ryan was a quick study... something else to think of tonight and not now. Definitely not now as I really did need to be elsewhere and reluctantly I pulled free of his mouth and tucked myself away.

“It is a pity I have a meeting,” I sighed. He knew what effect he had on me and, when I caught his unrepentant grin, I felt fully justified to add, “And don't forget I want you practising.” I chuckled at the face Ryan pulled at the thought of being burnt by the sun. “I will send Hattie up with her special ointment.”

“Thank you, my sire. It must have been painful for you without the ointment.” Ryan shuddered, no doubt remembering the story I had drilled into him over my experiences with the sun to teach him to treat it with caution. “It must have been terrible without its help, my sire.”

I caressed his face. “All in the past, my love.”

Ryan leaned into my touch before he glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece, “You better go, my sire, and see what Scotland Yard wants.”

I nodded with a sigh, “Nothing good, I am sure.” I had a bad feeling about this policeman, but that did not excuse appearing at anything but my best when I met with him. I paused and smiled as I checked my appearance in the mirror. I looked the ideal gentleman from the tips of my polished shoes to the stiff collar around my neck. I had never understood how people who needed to breathe could stand those tight monstrosities, if I still had to I would have found them suffocating. I tugged my red silk waistcoat to settle it better across my shoulders. I turned to consider my collection of cravats as I tried to decide which one to wear.

“I think you should go with the cream one.” Ryan spoke from behind me as he fished out the cravat he had mentioned. I tried not to react to his presence, although it was difficult with him parading his lovely naked form around me. I took a deep breath as he pressed against my back and reached around to tie the cravat neatly around my neck.

I turned around and pulled him in for another kiss. “Thank you, Ryan. Now, get dressed and stop tempting me. I have Scotland Yard to deal with.”

“I am sorry, sire,” Ryan repeated, although no where near as sincere as last time. He helped me into my frockcoat and smoothed it over my shoulders. “You look lovely, sire.”

“As do you.” I smiled and caressed his cheek, leaving him with the promise, “Until later.”

bloodverse series, rps, slash, ohs, au, dark themes, fic, lester/ryan, blood!play, ocs, james lester, vampire, angst, tom ryan, hurt/comfort

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