Oh man. all my stories are swimming around in my head and getting confused in one another. i guess i should stop playing spider solitaire and start writing them down onto paper, non?
Smooth Skating is driving me nuts. E.B. is a bitch for real but i don't know how to make her one. Plus I'm concerned that all three of my male leads are too much alike. You'd think that after all this time I would know how to write characters that are at least marginally different, but non, i'm pretty uncreative. yikes.
did i hear someone mention "mall" for this weekend?
also, it's concievable that I'll be trying out for Proof at the warner Monday. does anyone have any thoughts on it? i'm going to have to re-watch the movie since i haven't seen it in a while. I should have told my dad to rent that when he went out to get a video earlier, because Netflix is SLOW and i never get anything on time and i probably won't get it in time to watch it, especially since i have mad knitters (*WOOT* MAD KNITTERS!!) on Sunday (to which i am bringing coca cola cake, so i had best find my recipe!).
i am so thirsty. all i want is a cola. but i've gone off of the stuff. And *woot* i've lost about 13 lbs since the beginning of the summer. not that you'd know it to look at me, but whatever. and i can even do a whole pushup now. that's sure something, considering I dont know that I've ever in my life been able to do a pushup. if i wasn't so embarrassed about my running, i might consider going for a jog sometime hahaha. But i run like the puny asthmatic girl i am, so i think i'll hold that off for another time.
oh man though. I want a cola. I am SO tired of all this bland-o water.
How much fun would working at Charm City Cakes be? That's where Ace of Cakes on foodNet is filmed, in case you don't know. they have a website, its just like www.charmcitycakes.com or something like that and there stuff is some particular sort of awesome. like INCREDIBLE. And I have such a crush on Geoff who works there because he's like the cake genius! someone has a problem with their cake, and they call Geoff! In the middle of the night! Can you imagine! I love the name Geoff. It used to confuse me when I was a kid, though, I didn't understand that it sounded the same as Jeff. I still say it like Gee-off sometimes in my head, but i try not to since that's awfully provincial ;-)
and I'm going to pimp
paperlove.etsy.com because I've been getting some FABULOUS notecards through them, and they're incredible. totally high quality, not expensive, and they have the best honkin customer service!!! The only shop on the whole of etsy which is cooler than them is s
pincerely.etsy.com (uh, i effed up the markup on that apparantly, but you can still click to the link and get to her shop. I don't know if anyone here is fibery or not, but i can totally vouch for the quality of spinny's stuff. )
Ok, well i'm thirsty and i have to write and i'm going to go fetch a drink and maybe (but probably not) a snack, and then i'm going to do the dishes, and maybe sometime I'll sleep. Finally Jared finished HP7, so at least I was able to talk about it with someone.
I really hate how I have 642 songs on my iTunes, and yet I keep continually hearing the same 76 songs again and again and again and again. don't get me wrong, a lot of them I love...but the fact is there are SIX HUNDRED SONGS and i keep hearing hte same ones! its' the crappiest random EVER!
oops, i'm still here because Mimi Smartypants (
http://smartypants.diaryland.com/) just updated her diary, and she is FUNNY. okay, this was a blah entry. if you go and read it, read the last couple, cos this is the worst one i've read in a while.