Jan 19, 2005 02:30
so please stop if you get sick easy...
so there was this boy. i met him once, had him over for dinner once. i fell for his cute as button smile and adorable giggle and it was awesome. then i had the worst day ever and then my day got worse because a girl from work called to tell me that word on the street at work is one of us is going to get fired next week, but thats not important anymore, because im happy in like with a cute boy and i cant even contain myself. he called me tonight because he knew i was way bummed out and we were on the phone for ever. FOR EVER. (probably three and a half hours) it was GROSS! but awesome like awesome has never been before. you wont ever understand, leslie and john may because they are the kind of cute that makes me want to throw up a little, in a good way, and i have envied the cute posts they make about one another and i totally had a night like that. this is my sappy gay post and i probably dont even make sense. i have that five year old christmas eve anxiety. im never going to get to sleep. neverever. i feel like i have enough energy to run to the cape and see him real quick before he goes to bed, so i can say goodnight and we can exchange ginormous hugs. and seriously, most of the three hours spent on the phone was us giggling being giddy and cute talking about cute things like dates and cute families and dinosaur sheet tents and picnics on the beach and he even had the best conversation with his mom real quick, too. i told him he was perfect except he didnt know how to knit, so he had to learn. and it went like this:
boy: mom, do you know how to knit?
mom: yeah, why?
boy: can you teach me?
mom: why do you want to learn?
boy: so i can get married.
haha. it was way amusing to me. no one understands. no one ever will!
yep. the kind of cute that makes you want to throw up a little. for sure. but we're just hanging out.
my heart is beating way fast.
my mind is racing many things.
my fingers want to type forever.
and i just want to run around in the streets and shout.
and make people jealous.
i want to hold hands.
and laugh.
and talk under sheet tents with flashlights.
i want to tell all my friends.
but more than anything,
i wish i were in cape cod right now.