Oct 25, 2006 15:57
You know the great thing about mono? You have a valid excuse to nap anytime you want! But one of the draw backs of all this nappage is that you aren't really all that tired at night when it is actually time to go to bed. This makes me stay up too late, thus causing me to be SUPER tired the next day, perpetuating the vicious cycle. Mono also makes classes suck even more, if that was at all possible. My classes sort of suck, and my narcolepsy causes me to zone out and almost fall asleep in the middle of class. Not good. Maybe I should tell my professors that I have mono . . .
A couple of my friends and I are going out tomorrow for some drinks and gossip. We have not all sat together and just talked for a while, and I have sorely been missing our dish talks. I know, we are horrible because we gossip, but it really isn't vicious. I like to think of it as venting and telling stories. Plus, cocktails are now included and should add a whole new layer to the fun.