Nothing much of value

Apr 11, 2006 22:43

antinats tagged me to describe 4 things I suck at. What a vote of confidence :-p These things are all kind of related, but there are subtle differences. I tag kg4yef, gnothi_se_auton, jisalynn, and my_sihaya.

1. Moderation/Just fucking saying "NO" when I need to Some people have heard my rant about this in a domain or two recently. I'm not talking about the Nancy Reagan-type "No", I mean cutting things off when they need to be.

2. Getting small-to-medium size projects done As evidenced by my 43things list, I've got tons to do. Most things just need 10 minutes to an hour to get accomplished, but I'm scared of failure or too easily distracted or frustrated. This is why I don't have a bookshelf in my kitchen, why my cat5 cable doesn't go through my wall, why... so much.

3. Saving money I just don't have a good system yet. My savings account is just an extension of my checking account.

4. Caring for my health Exercising? Don't do enough. Eating right? Do way better than I did 2-3 years ago, but still not great. Vitamins? ~1 multivitamin a week. etc etc I also like to blame UHS/BCBS partly for this, as it's difficult to get certain things done. Anyhoo.

So where've I been recently? Oz is making even MORE progress, even from my couch! Thank you, =concatenate(C2, A2). Left to do: make sure things are properly formatted for psyscope, record words, get subjects. Minor things.

The Remez visit was fine. Mostly, I ate chicken wraps while he went off on tangents. I didn't need to discuss the papers. The Audition quiz happened on Wednesday, and as of today I have the answer key set, so I can begin grading tomorrow. This is a time when convergence is not fun. The weekend was great. Friday night, silberzauber, Meghan, Eric, and I watched North Country. DEPRESSING. On Saturday, I got a haircut, then went shopping/erranding to all those standard places: B&N, Pittsford Wegmans (a rarity), BB&B.

Do you ever get certain phrases stuck in your head? Aphorisms, things that explain life, etc. Examples of mine recently "This is how it starts" and "Characters welcome" (from USA). I'll post these more as I think of them, but do any of you know what I mean? They're like earworms, but somehow creepy+comforting as an explanation about the world.

Saturday evening I went bowling with GOG. My scores were lower than Tuesday night's, but I blame the ball. Yeah, the ball. We BCSers mostly kept to ourselves, interacting with a few notable exceptions, including the GOG social chair. That felt like a mini-coup, somehow? (It's not me. I have no official title with GOG.)

Then on Sunday, KK's coworkers had organized a wine tour on Keuka in conjunction with a murder mystery event. After the first winery, we realized we neither would get to see all the clues nor really cared. So we had a really good time taking pictures of ourselves getting ridiculous. I bought about 8 bottles and a handy-dandy pocket guide to words that describe wine, colors, and what wines should taste like what. The day was totally worth it. I got to hang out with/meet new fun people, be semi-outdoors on a gorgeous day, and eat a pulled pork sandwich with jalapenos. When we got back, I thought about going to floor hockey, but instead went out to Starry Nights with Ashley-the-prospective which turned into a big gossipfest among the rest of us. Hah. Highlight of the day? Mrs Barker, my high school librarian, working at one of the wineries. In classic form, she mistook me for my brother.

Food accomplished this past weekend: corn muffins, blueberry-cornmeal flapjacks, and oatmeal-raisin scones. They all went over really well, and Mike W complimented the scones & muffins, which hopefully seals my A in Plasticity :-D

It's time for bed: I have an 8:15 breakfast with a visiting speaker. Whee. C-town this weekend? Probably.

baking, meme, movies, travel, drinking, oz, weekend, bowling, gog

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