Dec 12, 2010 23:14
o I have to attend two holiday parties this week - one for my incredibly wealthy boss, and the other for G4. what the hell do I wear to a G4 holiday party?? something with pockets, so I can bring a bag of M&Ms with me and discreetly flick them at Ryan Seacrest when his back is turned.
o my 90-day evaluation at work was full of compliments. also, a small raise. things are going really, really well over there. I guess order processing for privately owned companies is my temporary calling. emphasis on 'temporary'.
o I put a hummingbird feeder up in front of the dining room's picture window today. :)
o been very thankful for the opportunity to salvage, heal, and improve my relationship with Ender. things have just been so good lately. we've been through so much shit and to know that we've come out on the other side as stronger people and stronger friends is empowering to me.
o I'm starting the Couch to 5K running routine tomorrow. my asthma squints one eye skeptically at me, but, ah, still gonna try it.
o I don't use LJ much anymore, but I read my friends list almost every day. sometimes I feel like writing. most times, not so much. but I'm still holding onto it. I may change my mind and start trying to blog more seriously. maybe. at some point.
o i'm about to take a Melatonin with iced coffee. before drinking some bedtime tea. is that awkwardly ass-backwards of me?