May 23, 2005 01:42
Been a busy week with no real free time because of quite a few obligation mostly work and then the birthday party of Morgan’s girlfriend Christie and then later the LAN party for the Howle brothers. It has been a pretty good week though and although surprisingly enough Wednesday night seem to be the best at Christie’s birthday. At her birthday I got to meet her friend Erica and well I feel kinda smitten she was nice seemed genuinely interested in what I said and I was in her words and more as all of those besides us at the table seemed to have noticed. The LAN party was cool I pillaged other peoples computers and they mine as we played a pretty motley assortment of games happy I bought halflife 2 for playing deathmatch was good nothing like playing catch with a plasma grenade.
Work this week kinda sucked 27 boxes at janeville only and hour at Janie and Jack and that was only because Shannon needed a lunch break and gymboree I only pull when they get to much shipment and there was none this week but I was sick for part of the week so I did get to recuperate. The theater stuff I had nothing to do really need to work on posters and advertisement but I have not had time been out of it and Morgan and Christie are the ones really in charge I am just their extra pair of hands. I also need to get out to the furies and cut the yard before it gets to high and eats their dog I well call them soon.
Need to get back in to my artwork the drive has fallen lose although I do want to get back to it more now it is just the getting started again that is missing the want to do something for me and only for me does not seem to be there. Although once I get the merfolk project going again and after going through some talking with my neighbor (it is nice having a copyright lawyer as a neighbor) about stuff and copyrights I know that it is mine and nothing can be taken from me so I have nothing to worry about if my writers go try to go somewhere with the script I still own it all the writing does not matter really though I might not be able to use that version of words. The characters are all mine.
With all that said something is missing I feel the need to just get out and to walk to choose a direction and go on foot until I can’t move forward anymore then I well call Morgan and he will come and pick me up return me to my house after a bite to eat and a bit of discussion I don’t know what I would do half the time if Morgan was not the friend he is not many people are like that. Most would come with there own angle come to and try to get something else out of it at the same time Morgan does stuff like this because he is a friend and because he knows I would do the same for him if I could. Maybe that is what tomorrow holds a walk some movement maybe a bit of sparing a quite a bit of words but mostly a stretching of muscles and me reminisce about the past and with Morgan I have nearly if not more then 9 years of past to go over going all the way back to Erin Long and my terrible time with those with a mix of french and lith background not quite sure why I fall for them although slavic french mixes are nice.