Bomb scare aka bomb threat

Mar 24, 2006 18:29

Today at school, there was a possible bomb planted somewhere on our campus. There were similar situations at Oak Grove and at Gunderson (I’m not sure I spelled that right…). I was told that they only did a brief search on campus and quickly put the students back at class. At Santa Teresa, it was a different story.

For first period students, school starts at 7:20. I arrived at school around 7:11. I got out of the car after telling my dad that mom was going to pick me up and went on my way across the street to the little island to cross Santa Teresa to reach the high school. I noticed that there were large groups of students heading away from the school, but dismissed it as second perioders that came early. While I stood on the little island, I overheard this one girl talking to her friend or somebody on her cell phone about a bomb threat. At that moment, I began suspecting that something was up. I decided to continue on my way to school and see what happened.

Sure enough, I got stopped as soon as I reached the school side of the sidewalk. My friend had already heard and was on her way to the other side of the street. I stopped to talk to her and that was when my suspicions about the bomb were confirmed. My English teacher then approached, to tell us of the bomb scare and to tell us to go to the other side of the street. Strangely, instead of panicking, all I could say was, “And I only brought one book!” I think I knew that it was going to be a long wait.

My friend and I went to the other side of the street and congregated with other friends. Around us I heard many students calling their parents to be picked up, I guess having their patience stretched to its limit. Other people went to look for warmer placed to wait for the all clear signal. Starbucks and the other stores in the plaza across the street got a lot of business today. I, content to wait in the cold rather than go in a store where I had no money to buy anything, made myself comfortable on the grass and settled for a long wait. Luckily, I had my beloved book to save me from complete boredom. I sat and I waited. Suddenly, a loud noise broke me from my book. I looked up. It was a helicopter. I didn’t know whether if they were for the bomb searchers or if they were with the news. When we were finally given the all clear signal, 40 or so minutes into second period, I looked up and saw that there were four helicopters total.

Class started and all was well-NOT. In my second period class, there were only about 10 people attending. In third, 12 people exactly. In fourth and fifth, there was roughly the same amount. Sixth period had the most people, around 16 maybe? Basically, the entire day was wasted because the classes didn’t have enough students to do anything. Several teachers said that there was a high chance of having an extra day tacked onto the school year thanks to this bomb threat.

As I walked onto campus toward my second period class, I saw many police officers in uniform. Teachers were telling students to put on ID badges. I think they were taking the threat quite seriously. While walking, I had my doubts that if there really was a bomb on the school, how would we be able to find it? Our campus is so large and there are many places to hide things. I also do not know why the school believed that students would still be on the edge of campus ready to head back to school. Many students went to stores, how were the teachers supposed to get the students to come back? We are a high school, guaranteed large student body. Did they really think that all of us would stay? Many students took much persuading to come to school in the first place. With such a chance as this, how could they not leave?

Anyways, here ends my article on the bomb threat at ST. …It was fun writing it, now I have to start my chapter 23 outline…*sigh* Let the torture begin…


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