Dec 16, 2006 01:39
Bless your hearts you dear people, the beginning of the two week vacation is here! I can just imagine it...the days of getting up late, the endless amount of time you have in a day, the absolute carefree lifestyle that you can lead even for just a little while...all the FOOD and PRESENTS under the Christmas tree...PRESENTS...PRESENTS...
>_< Nya~h, just kidding, but I know that my readers are thinking about the presents. Everybody loves presents...that's why people like Christmas and birthdays so much--because they ecieve presents!
Mwa~h, two weeks of freedom...yeah right. All of my evil teachers piled up the homework...but you know what's so friggin' awesome? AP Bio and AP Psych gave me take home tests! Yes! I might actually get an A on a Bio test...*concentrates really hard* I can practically SEE the A on my grade...
Mwa ha ha! I get to put up my stocking...if I can find it. Last year, Mantou dearest stuck up an actual sock because she couldn't find her stocking. >_< It was really funny.
And here I am making your life harder by filling in your friends page with a load of my junk. I hope you like it!
Working in Christmas in the Park today! ^_^ It's been so long, I hope the Kiwaniis person won't keep us in after 11 because I can't and because daddy will get angry. -_-
I got my PSAT scores today! I'm so disappointed that I only got two points higher that my score from last year. TT_TT So disappointed...Kat and co. all got better than sad...*goes to corner and sulks*
Any~ways, it's vacation! Everybody celebrate!