Mar 26, 2005 19:45
He was trapped; there wasn't any way of the pit. He had failed. Despite everything he had done, he had still failed Martin, still failed to get free, and the second time was even worse than the first.
And then there was the steel. Damn Marland-it was horrible enough that they had failed to catch and kill him, but was going to kill Martin, KRO realized in horror. Himself being buried in steel, he could deal with. But Martin dying...that was something too horrible to contemplate.
"Martin," KRO said, practically begging. "save yourself. Please."
The human-Kyle Stewart-was trying to help Martin out of his window. Martin had finally taken his hand, he was almost out, he was almost safe-and then he looked to Marland. And Martin let go.
The cabin filled with steel, and in his CPU KRO screamed, because Martin was dead, and he was trapped, and he was now terribly, terribly alone...
And KRO woke up with a cry, shuddering and remembering why he did his damndest to not fall asleep while being a human. Nightmares alone were bad enough. Nightmares taken from what had happened to him were worse.