Oct 03, 2014 20:52
Teaching math for everyday life
We got sent to the data truck today... It was weird because I take a prescription that ensues temporary blindness and this was a field where torrys masters degree actually was worth a Damn.
I was doing the hard math as she manned the control board. In between frac stages we'd be delivered coffee and cookies. Being alone on a room with her has been something I've gotten used too and has become the norm. The thing that's been surprising lately is the quality of conversations we've been having...
Me: talked to brandy last night. And she was very lovely and in a surprisingly pleasant mood.
Torry: oh?! That's wonderful
Me: yeah, it was nice
Torry: hold on, she didn't strangle you over the phone?
Me: my neck doesn't hurt... I was slightly embarrassed because I got light headed and had to sit down for a second, right in the middle of my conversation...
Torry: oh, sorry
Working in the control room, this was the first day that her worth was larger than mine... It was actually pretty cool to watch and she deserved the compliments that she received.
Then she started talking about her wedding that I missed. And got into greater detail of her love story, and how beautiful it is and how it would make some envious. In the middle of the ups and downs of bride-zilla, she stops and hands me my prescriptions from my bag.
Subtly, she asks: Mark, is there anything about you and brandy that you'd want to change?
Me: my love story?
Torry: yes your love story.
Me: like most love stories, it'll die with me... But because everything has been about math today, something I'm really passionate about and good at... I can break things down in a way you'll never imagine
Torry: math?
Me: you know about quantum physics theory of infinities right?
We speak in unison: "some infinities are bigger than other infinities..."
Torry: yes! Like between 0 and 1 there's an infinite set of numbers, then you pick 0 and 5 and there's a larger infinite set of numbers, or between 0 and 100... Some infinities are bigger than other infinities!
Me: numbers
Torry: numbers...?
Me: yeah
Torry: please continue, you have my undivided attention.
Me: my love and affection towards brandy stretches over half my life... I've got three sets of numbers: 14 years, 3 months and 6 days.
Torry: 14 years?!
Me: I've created this whole pursuit of a dream girl love story... But it's simple, there's three infinities, love at first sight and then she disappeared, found her, and then 6 days.
Torry: no cute title for 6 days? Just 6 days?
Me: you and brandy, always interrupt, can I finish?
Torry: sorry. Bad habit. Girls want answers
Me: I created my star crossed love story with the infinity of 14 years. For years I wondered what it'd be like to spend time with her, I'd dream about us, she'd haunt me when I would be with another to the point that I couldn't see myself with anyone other than brandy.
The 3 months was us catching up and falling into the deep end, only to end up in a heartbreaking demise...
But the only infinity given to me was the 6 days... She gave herself to me, everything I ever dreamed about. Everything I ever wanted was right in front of me... I never felt anything like that before.
I told her this last night... Within the numbered days, she gave me a forever that I'll be eternally grateful for. Everything I felt, the hundreds of smiles I shared, the thousands of kisses we had... My smallest infinity will always be my largest.
What I want to change?
I want more numbers that I don't know I'll ever get... And God knows I want more days with Brandy Montgomery.
Torry: STOP!!!! stop right there!!!! It's perfect. I don't need anymore. (Crying)