I was reviewing images and got mad at myself that I haven't put them on this forum.
I saved every single video she's ever given me, every single momentous text message, including her epically long qoute that she loves so much. In which I've tried to memorize so I could impress her, which is something that I haven't achieved yet, because I'm not good at that kinda stuff.
Her doodles, her sweet hand tattoo... Brandy proves time and time again that she's worth the fight. This isn't a struggle, its just a simple journey, we're terrible singles, we need to hold onto one another, as tight as possible.
I could try to be mad, or depressed, or let my mind race, instead I go back and remember how wonderful she is... And that everything right now, this madness... There's a clear light at the end of it, it glistens from her smile and the twinkle in her eye when she looks at me in person. She makes me forget everything, and makes me feel something that I thought I had but obviously I was erroneously wrong, genuine love.
The way she slept with my scarf, the way she makes me laugh because she's so silly, the way she calms me down and tells me that everything is going to be okay and we're gonna make it work. she constantly surprises me when she isn't digging her own grave of fear, she has the nicest guy on the planet and she knows it.
I may portray the nicest person on the planet... but she's my everything, there are no words to describe what she's done for me and how she makes me feel.
I dont want her afraid anymore. I'm too weak to try at this state, and she is concerned for my health and I'm going to follow her directions and orders...
I want her to accept that she's happy, I'm going to claw and dig and shed every tear I have to until she does.