For contact purposes,
you can always find me here, or PM Loras' journal. WHICHEVER. I'll probably respond relatively quick.
Threadhopping/threadjacking with this character?:
Go for it, man.
Backtagging/backdating with this character?: Yes, please. If something's up and you wanna backdate shit, be my guest. Just note that I have a tendency to drop threads if it looks like the thread is done. If you feel like it wasn't, though, or had something else planned for it later on, feel free to drop me a note and I'll start the thread up again.
Hugging this character?: Go ahead! Loras' reaction will be mixed depending on the circumstance, but I am by no means deadset against it.
Giving this character a kiss?: See above; it's perfectly fine, but Loras' reaction will depend on context.
Something more intimate?: Ask first. Loras has lots of ~feelings~ about sex, so we should probably talk it out in advance so everything's IC.
Relationships?: I think that, right now, a relationship for Loras would be hilariously unhealthy, but I'm not deadset against it. If your character needs a ridiculously high-maintenance boyfriend, Loras is the place to be. But let's talk it out first, hmm?
Injury?: Loras is a very skilled fighter, so ask me beforehand, not because I'm against letting Loras get cut up, but so we can discuss if he would. Loras is probably one of the top fifteen most skilled fighters in his country of origin; he's by no means impossible to beat, but in order to beat him, you gotta be really, really strong.
Death?: I am leaning on no, but ask me first; I could be convinced.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character?: Please ask first, so I know what your character'd potentially see. But other than that, yeah, I'm up for it.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: Please don't mention shit that's going on with Margaery and the rest of his family without consulting me first. I'd be okay with it, but I want to know in advance, and I might ask you not to, because, well, it depends on lots of things. I want to avoid Loras feeling impotently ineffectual, and a good way of doing that is to tell him his family's in trouble and he can't do anything about it. FRUSTRATION. So it depends on the circumstance and what your character would say.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character?:
Neutral Good. A Slytherin / Gryffindor mix that mostly comes out Gryffindor in the end; he's slowly letting go of his single-minded selfishness, though if he'd been sorted at 11, it would have been Slytherin.
2. 4th wall away, but if it's anything about Margaery or the rest of his family, ask first. Otherwise, I'm totally fine with your character knowing Loras' greater history, within reason of course.
3. Can't 4th wall.
And I think that concludes our little chat. If you've got any questions, feel free to leave 'em here! If you think you can stand more of my
words, glory to you.