ooh look an update!

Jun 26, 2009 22:13

So I forgot about this, almost to the point of almost forgetting my password! So what's new in the world of Steve? Well, I'm now had enough of working for Vodafone. Just the hassle of getting too and from work is enough having to pay almost 20% of my monthly salary on train fare!

Secondly I'm now gone up in the world and got me a Blackberry! These things rock! Even to the point that I've compressed 3 movies onto it to help with my commute. Not that it's going to matter much soon having been offered a new job which is only 20 minutes walk from my house, so may decide to cheat and
get myself a bike and cycle to work, having not ridden a bike in about 15 years is going to interesting to say the least! At least this job will be helpful for my social life which hasn't really improved since working for Vodafone! The new one involves 1 in 3 weekends so that should mean I can do things, and not have to worry about the sunday!
having a full weekend free without asking for it is going to be wierd to say the least!

Anyway, might start giving regular updates in future, after all, facebook isn't as fun! Well other than Mafia Wars, the game is so addictive!
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