Another Random Update

Jun 25, 2008 20:15

So it's another random update and for once, not one complaining about my job, mainly because I've yet to start my new job!

It's been kind of wierd, all this spare time where I've lounged about and done sod all, well, that's a lie, I have been busy.  Been home (mainly to collect my LRP kit), went to London followed by a weeked at the aforementioned LRP event.  Slowly getting into the swing of things after just bimbling about as Kieran.

And the main news is that the beginning of July I'll be moving in with Charlie.  Given that we're both renting rooms, and that means when we see each other we're in a cramped room (not to mention the problems Charlie's had at her place) and after getting a new job we both thought that moving in would be cheaper.  So we found a flat and went through the necessary paperwork.

That means there will be a house warming at some point, once we're settled I'm sure I'll let you guys know.

Still, I'm getting more and more phone calls from recruitment agencies so at least I'm still in demand ...
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