Seriously Needing An Update

Oct 29, 2009 21:01

So, yeah, it has been way too long since I have updated this. I rarely come on to even check anymore. A lot has transpired so far, so lets get down to business...

I started back at the gym (back in August), and have gotten myself a personal trainer once every two weeks. I go three times a week, regardless of how I feel. I am at the point where if I miss a workout I find somewhere to fit one in. I feel guilty and sliggish if I dont. :c) So far I am down 20. My goal is 40 by the end of the year. Now that I am healthy again, its time I get myself.

This past Monday, Oct 26th, was my 1 year anniversary of quitting smoking. Thats right, even after chemo and all, I have managed to stay smoke free. ROCK ON! I feel great, and my endurance and stamina at the gym has increased significantly over the last time I went (pre-cancer).

Brandon and I are stronger then ever before. We had some very low lows. Somehow, we clawed our ways through, and we are back and better then ever!!!

Work is work, family is family... Thats about it for now. I need to make it a point to update more. I have a few projects I am going to start working on, hopefully I can get them done by the end of the year.

GNight World!!!
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