Old Dollsy app, take two!

Aug 26, 2011 18:49

Character: Leo M. (full surname unknown)
Series: Lunar 2: Eternal Blue
Version: After the main game, before Hiro seeks him out in the epilogue.
Age: 20, though he appears older due to his demeanor and countenance.
Gender: Male

Appearance: Leo is a tall, imposing beastman who nevertheless has a handsome face, one that has earned him many female admirers (though Leo seems to remain oblivious to this). He stands over six feet tall with a muscular build as a result of hours of sword practice. He has lightly tanned skin with patches of brown fur on his body and face and a durable, sharp white horn in the middle of his forehead that has an almost tribal pattern at the base. His ears are elongated and slightly furry, and wont to twitch when he’s standing still or agitated. The beastman has sharp white fangs, which show easily, especially when highly amused or angered, and a light brown nose that seems quite similar to that of a cat or dog. In contrast with the rest of his commanding air and generally rugged appearance, however, Leo has chin-length, pale blue hair.

Although in the past, Leo tended to dress according to his rank as the White Knight of Althena, he now dresses much more simply, in a white-and-blue traveling outfit that’s more easy to move in. Over this, Leo wears a blue cape, the White Dragon Crest noticeably missing from it now. The beastman is also armored on his elbows and knees, along with metal shin guards on his boots. Leo is never without the bastard sword he wields, strapped to the left side of his hip.

Personality: Leo has changed ever since his first unexpected foray into the house. He’s had some tough and incredibly bitter pills to swallow, namely the Goddess he followed and adored turning out to be a fake who had been manipulating him the whole time. This has led Leo to be more self-sufficient when it comes to making his own decisions, and although he’s as stalwart as ever, he’s still reeling privately from the knowledge of what he helped cause. He’d never admit it, even to his closest friends, but the whole situation left him with a huge guilt complex. Despite this, Leo is as good-hearted as he was before, willing to rush in and save somebody in trouble should he think they need it (even if they don’t). He’s even more devoted to doing the right thing than ever before, and if he stumbles along the way, at least he’s learning.

Leo is still rather gullible and hot-headed, although he’s less likely to fall for things on the first try now and has developed an (at first) unnoticeable distrust for authority. His experiences have humbled him and made him less distant; he’s now more likely to show warmth and joke around than he was before, although he’s still pretty awkward about it.

The fight against Zophar (the true destroyer of Lunar) has steeled Leo once again, and he’s confident he can take on any challenge that stands in his way. So far, he’s been right.

Fears: Leo still doesn’t fear death or pain. Failure, however, is a new fear that’s begun to well up-and it no longer concerns his former duty. No, Leo now fears failing his sister, restored and saved from the false Althena’s machinations, his friends, and the world. He’s haunted by his guilt over the past, although he doesn’t show it, and is afraid of repeating it-and frankly, he’d rather die than hurt innocents as he once did, however unknowingly.

Weaknesses: Leo is as stubborn as ever, with his great love of justice often blinding him to the truth - even to the point of fighting his former best friend, Ronfar, and attacking countless innocents (although Leo was unaware of it at the time) on the orders of the false goddess he served. He is also gullible, although less so, and he once was tricked into being imprisoned on his own ship by Ronfar and Hiro. Though Leo is resilient, he can be driven to shattering self-doubt, especially after the events that nearly destroyed his own world, which were partially thanks to him. His sense of honor can also be considered a weakness, as Leo completely refuses to attack whomever he believes to be innocent.

If his Warrior’s Crest is taken, Leo will be back to his normal strength in battle-and although that’s certainly nothing to sneeze at, whomever holds that crest can equip it to themselves, gaining the same boost, especially if the Goddess Crest is with it. (Alone, the Goddess Crest does nothing.)

Strengths/Abilities: Leo is an excellent swordsman, and even now is said to be wholly unrivalled in all of Lunar (whether or not this is true is another matter). Even without sword in hand, however, Leo is incredibly strong and agile and has a high amount of physical defense, able to withstand a great deal of damage. In addition to this, Leo is skilled in the usage of holy light and the earth element in battle. Though he doesn’t know much in the way of spells, his magical abilities are as follows:

Rock Cobra: Leo casts an earth spell at a single opponent, in which a heavy rock materializes and hits his opponent. This is more powerful than its previous incarnation.
Crack Zone: An attack that hits all enemies in the form of an earthquake. Like Rock Cobra, this is more powerful than its previous incarnation.
Flash Blade: Leo charges his blade with holy light and strikes his opponent multiple times.
Buzz Blade: Leo throws holy light at a group of enemies.
Grizzle Blade: Leo’s blade glows and nearly doubles in size. He uses his blade to throw the light at his opponents.
Rock Riot: An attack in which Leo summons boulders to crush a group of foes.
Soul Blade: Leo siphons an enemies life energy (HP in video game terms) from an enemy and uses it to heal himself.
Earth Prayer: Leo mutters a quick prayer to his Goddess, gaining a boost in attack and defense that lasts the entire battle.

Leo also has a variety of healing items on his person, which are as follows:

Healing Herb (1): A leafy green plant that, when consumed (through tea or simply eating it) or pressed to wounds, heals a small amount of damage. If a sprig is planted, a bush may grow.

Health Nut (2): A stronger healing item than the Healing Herb, this can only be eaten, but heals at least twice the damage as the herb. It can also be tended and, if cared for properly, can result in the growth of more.

Star Light (2): These rare and precious items are made of starlight crystallizing into solid orbs. Pressing them to one’s heart restores some magical energy.

Angel’s Tears (1): These items are even more precious than Star Lights, though a great deal more common. Angel’s Tears are kept in a holy container, and when given to a severely injured or even dying person can restore them enough to keep them alive.

In lieu of the White Dragon Crest, which he gave to Hiro, Leo now holds the Goddess Crest, which greatly increases the effect of other crests worn (it is useless without another crest) and the Warrior Crest, which increases his physical strength. With these, Leo is a nigh-unstoppable force in battle-and even without it, he’s still impressive. Leo also has his old, dressier set of clothes (a white-and-red outfit that rather resembles a military uniform, along with a white domino mask) in his pack, along with travel rations (light sources, food, etc.).
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