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Aug 02, 2010 17:37

[The sound of choking and spitting is heard before the screen displays a blur of fuchsia and red. It's the red that lingers, however, as a hand unconsciously touches the screen, leaving behind three streaks of blood before it then presses on an open wound. To anyone familiar with firearms, it will probably be obvious that she has been shot several ( Read more... )

someone give this woman a medic, schneizel is a jerkface, accidental video, video post, a bloody mess

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[video][1/:D] akingmuststand August 2 2010, 21:42:42 UTC
[It's Cornelia. He realises this with an abject, detached sort of resignation. Cornelia is here, and he's not sure how surprised he is. Cornelia is here, and the screen is slicked red with blood, her blood.]


[video][2/8D] akingmuststand August 2 2010, 21:44:46 UTC
[When? Where?]


[video] akingmuststand August 2 2010, 21:46:35 UTC
[Her blood, which means she is wounded, which means there are a handful of times, of places - where, sister, when - that run, crimson stained, through his mind as he starts to think, already moving. But he already suspects, already knows, and the way it hits him, this realization, is quite sickening -

She has seen more than I have.]


[video] akingmuststand August 2 2010, 21:53:53 UTC
[And he thinks he knows exactly what has taken place.

He could laugh, were he not feeling empty and sick to the heart at once.

Oh, sister, that it came to this -

(He'd always known.)

That he might be the last person she wants to see does not matter. She is his sister, his sister and he is going to her side, because she is not going to die.

It's as simple as that really, his reasoning, but now he speaks up.

(Now he trusts his voice.)

And when he does speak, his voice is abrupt, sharp, perhaps moreso than it has been. It's not panic, never panic, but it's something like it - the urgency is raw.]

Cornelia. Don't move. A medic will be with you shortly.

[And so will I.

He raises his voice a little, to catch attention.]

Myhrta, I will need your help.


[action/heard over the feed] myhrta August 2 2010, 21:57:53 UTC
As quickly as I can. Follow as you are able; her health is the most important thing here.

[She has the tact not to say 'Your presence is not,' as clearly, from that tone (minute as it might be), this woman means much to him. Myhrta switches to travel form and tears from the village to the Temple as quickly as she can.]


[video] knightmare_hime August 2 2010, 22:13:18 UTC
[When she hears the faint, but recognizable voice, an icy cold grip seizes her heart and her slight wheezing stills, eyes darting around uncertainly. Where is that coming from? She is sure she heard her brother, Schneizel.

Can this place be... is it real? Did he bring her here? No. Such a thing would be impossible. There is no way he could have transported her after the Gatling was fired. Not so quickly. Not to some foreign land that feels more like a dream than reality.

She's still looking around, her eyes briefly landing on the communication device sitting a few feet away from her. She struggles to move closer to it, wondering if she is just hearing things or if the unfamiliar piece of technology just spoke to her. When she speaks, her tongue is coated with blood, making her voice barely audible. But it is not without resentment]

Where... are you?


[video] akingmuststand August 2 2010, 22:29:37 UTC
[That tone, almost lost as it is, is not lost on him. But it's not about to ward him off - he's since broken into a sprint. It's not as quick as Myhrta can travel, and he doesn't doubt the Elf will get there first, but that's not something to complain about. He trusts Cornelia in Myhrta's hands more than he does that of Britannian medicine, after all, and it was the latter he'd been willing to gamble on -]

I am on my way. Circumstances have changed, Cornelia, and I will explain that change when you are in a better position to receive it.

[- He can't remember the last time he ran like this, almost feels like a boy again, sixteen and doing track at school. It's a sobering, almost wrenching thought, but while he is not immune to emotion - worry, regret, and a withdrawn, far off pain - he is not someone to be controlled by it.]

There's someone coming to you who will be able to help you. She'll arrive shortly.


[action] myhrta August 2 2010, 22:39:44 UTC
[Myhrta comes to a halt at the Temple path, changing back to her normal form mid-run. She can see the woman trying to move and hisses inwardly. Hopefully, she was not going to be too startled at the sight of her, because while she can change form to beast and bird, she cannot change from Kal'Dorei to human.]

Please do not be alarmed, my lady. I am the village healer, and am here to help.

[She holds up her hands, marveling inwardly that she can so easily take on that role as a part of who she is. Not Myhrta of Darnassus, not Myhrta, Druid of Restoration, but Myhrta, the village healer.

Needs must when the fel lords drive. She put it from her mind and knelt beside Cornelia.]

Forgive me. I need to lay my hands on you.

[It didn't take a genius to know that bullets were involved, but smaller, different bullets from those fired from the blunderblusses of Azeroth. How many there were, she couldn't say.

And she'd need to find out and get rid of any that remained in the body, if it came to it.]


[video | action] orz i'm so sorry knightmare_hime August 2 2010, 23:08:01 UTC
[Although she wants to argue back with Schneizel, Cornelia stays silent. There are a few things that she finds confusing. Such as why she isn't already dead? Why none of the bullets struck her fatally? Why the man who seemingly just tried to kill her is running to her rescue? But, more importantly, where is she and how did she get here? Her hand closes around the device and she lifts it. Her lips tighten when she peers down at the screen and sees the face of the brother she has always trusted.

It's then that she hears the distant sound of what she can only guess is an animal before the approaching beast comes into view. She doesn't have time to be alarmed by its speed because before she can even raise her gun-sword, it seems to have shifted shape in a blurring instant. But what it becomes is something even more terrible. A cross between a human and a monster, with purple skin and glowing eyes.

Cornelia's mouth falls open, eyes widening, even as she hears the creature speaking to her. Impossible. She keeps repeating the word in her ( ... )


[action] ARRIVING LIKE A BOSS akingmuststand August 2 2010, 23:19:58 UTC
[He sprints, up the path flanked by trees like an avenue in some placid city. Myhrta will get there first, but she will not be well-received he knows. But Cornelia needs this, needs her healing, and Schneizel will not see her denied it in her own folly. There's a burst of speed from him, and he can hear movement, can hear Myhrta's low urgency, and then, sure enough, the voice of his sister.

When he appears at the top of the path, he stops, just for a moment, and takes in the sight. She is his sister, and he has done this, and he should look at this and see it and remember it as one more sacrifice.

(He is not his father. None of this is trivial.)

He's panting, breathing roughened by the run, but his voice still rings clear, commanding: princely as ever.]

Cornelia. Lower your weapon.

[It crosses his mind that she might just aim it on him, for a second. But he knows her better, always has, and he's already moving again, running (like a boy again, pomp and circumstance dropped) to the other side of his sister, where she lies on earth ( ... )


[action] wow Corny, first a monsterwoman and now the dude who had you shot! Good day y/n? myhrta August 2 2010, 23:32:09 UTC
[Myhrta backs away, holding up her hands as she dowa so. There is no need to be offended by it; she had lost a lot of blood, she was in unfamiliar territory and met with an unfamiliar face.

It still doesn't stop the prickle of anger; too much time spent around the Horde has not endeared her well to the humans, her Azerothian allies, who still look at her as if she emerged from the Nightmare.

Still, she schools her face to calm, allows Schneizel to take over, hoping he can calm her before she is forced to heal without properly examining what's wrong.]

My lady, please. I mean you no harm; you are gravely injured, and I wish to help.


[action] to be perfectly frank, NO! knightmare_hime August 3 2010, 00:03:30 UTC
[Even in her debilitated state, Cornelia recognizes the second pair of footsteps from somewhere behind her. Though the relief she feels is bittersweet, she is almost thankful when the clear voice of her brother carries loudly to her ears. Her shoulders tense and she hesitates, but she doesn't exactly lower the weapon. Not yet ( ... )


[action] akingmuststand August 3 2010, 00:16:12 UTC
[It's half instinctual, the way he reaches for one of her gloved hands, holding it in his own. His knees are wet, the fabric soaked red - white does tarnish so easily - but his eyes are on Cornelia, assessing every inch. He's no medic, but he can see the tears in her clothes, from each entry and where she's tried to form makeshift tourniquets.

(Her resourcefulness and tenacity would make him smile at any other time.)

He looks from her to Myhrta only briefly.

He engineered this. He knows what has happened. There is no doubt in his mind.]

There was a maximum of eight shots fired, presumably at close range.

[But no killshots among them. He'd been so very careful of that, and would not see his caution go to waste.]


[action] myhrta August 3 2010, 00:37:57 UTC
[She feels like she is intruding on something very private, but how often would she have to do that? This isn't the first time she's stood with a dying loved one while they other held their hand, doing whatever she could to keep the former from passing over ( ... )


[action] a_la_turk August 3 2010, 01:07:05 UTC
[ Fast is never fast enough in situations like these. That's why Valeria had tried so hard to buy Cornelia and herself time, why the earth flies for the fervent speed she exercises as she races up the path toward the temple. The stench of sweet, rusted copper adrift on the wind reaches her nose and makes her stomach wretch, but she does not slow from her unnaturally quick speed, not until she is a good ten feet from those already assembled. ]


[ She had recognized the white long before she drew that close. That Schneizel himself should show, and without his aide was, is a surprise, but it isn't one she lets show on her face as she approaches. The magical tree is by-far more likely to evoke a clear, visible reaction than this. The questions running through her mind only grow as she steps forward. This scene... makes her pause in her tracks no more than three steps following her halt.

This is -- ]


[action] knightmare_hime August 3 2010, 01:40:34 UTC
[She is almost shocked when he reaches for her hand. Not because it isn't something he does frequently, but because the impression of his emotionless stare and actions still burns at the forefront of her mind. She doesn't pull away, even if she wants to ( ... )


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