For those whom I haven't seen, spoken to, or mentioned things to, I'm in Japan!
I was going to be all pro-active and post pictures here, but I guess I'll do the common thing and just post a link to my
flickr. No time, and all. Gomen nasai.
So, I've been here for a total of about a week now and my English has become a joke. Whenever I speak, even to other native English speakers, I somehow dumb my sentences down. Yesterday, while talking to a Derek from Georgia, USA, trying to explain that my leg may become overexerted while I am on the long train ride home said: by the time my leg is time for healing, I would still have to go on the train ride to home. I'm a moron.
So things here are pretty good, otherwise. I'm not buying as many crazy things as I thought I would be - it's been mostly souveigners (and even those have been in surprisingly short quantities). It's rather hot here, though, I'm thinking not as hot as back in Toronto.
I'm not homesick yet. Must be because there's a lot of rice.