Amanda's gettin me hooked as well.

Nov 11, 2002 00:29

What type of fantasy creature are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

^beautfil creature eh?

I quit my job last week. For good reason, tho I cried after. Pussy that I am. I miss it already, and the people, but I was tired of my manager's bullshit. I didn't deserve some shit that happened. ( i dont recall writting about this yet but im not sure)

Target is going to hire me, being that I pass my drug test. God, I hope I pass it.

Well, we are all of age now. My two counter parts. Ja's birthday was Friday and we went to Bham clubbing. Johnathon went with us. Woo is he hot. I sooo would lick him, and much more than that too. ;) *tease ama* lol Ja called me tonight (sunday), and she told me that Johnathon told ashleigh that it sure was sweet of me to buy all his drinks friday night. (hes only 20 still) and she told him i was probably doin it to get in his pants. dodododo.. yup i was, but i knew nothing would happen that night. Plus we all suspect he is gay, he just doesn't realize it yet. He's still fine as hell. gah. Hes said he's bi tho, but I think it's more than that. Maybe he and I will hook up tho. I'll have to see about that.

Summer and I have been getting along better this last week or so. I have no idea why either. It's odd, we go through stages and moods almost. *shrug* She doesn't like LOTR's tho. Which brings my liking of her down a bit. We started to watch it tonight and she wanted to stop it before they even reached Rivendell. Gah. she's odd yes. I myself have just finished reading the first book last night and am now half way through the second.

I grow tired of the computer. NOthing but reading amanda's journal and very occasionally talking to Jian or carly on here satisfy me. It bores me to no end. I don't know why. I have changed recently, and i cant quite figure out when, how, or why. Or even if it's a good thing so far. But I do find myself going out more. Doing more with friends. Being with my family more. And that I know is good, but am I neglecting my net friends? They are slim now. I have no chances to talk to Amanda online but through our journals and email, and then Carly very rarely with her working and going to school, Jian and Ming are not on as much either. But then Neither am I.

I busy myself with friends and family yes, but I also spend more time watching tv now then i have in ages. Plus, I've started reading again. Something I haven't done much in a long while.

There has been subject that keeps appearing in my mind that Im just terribly curious about. I believe I had started reading a book, or read the introduction of a book at the end of another book a long while ago it seems. And forgot about it, but the last month or so it has reawoken in my mind and now im just dreadfully curious about it. I want to read it oh so bad, but have no idea what it is. It involves a girl I believe, or woman.. a FEMALE. and shes a mage of some sorts I believe, atleast she has magic abilities of the mind or something of the sort. And she journeys to a tower. A tower where you go to sleep and visions are supposed to come to you or something. The tower is warded and protected, but while she is there she has a vision of the tower burning then something lets an evil into the tower to keep her sleeping in her vision and the vision actually happens. But she is strong and escapes from her vision cast dreams and awakes to help everyone escape. blah this is hardly any detail at all but this and more just keeps circling in my mind and i want to know more! it is driving me crazy. what happens next?!
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