
Jan 23, 2007 13:53

So...i went to sleep fairly well sunday night and woke up to find i had Pyriel sending me msgs on AIM asking to get on b/c the "Sacks were going at it with Lucien"...which i did kinda expected would happen after Yael took leadership from Mako(<3), Anyway i scrolled up the chat log since i left my char online and was astounded to read what had happened, I mean it's a game and it's nothing but data on a computer, I've always believe that friends > gil or items and i still do but i don't understand is it worth it to actually lose everyone in a LS to some stupid reason? and not give them what is rightfully theres?, I can understand the reason Lucien wants to keep the Shell but many of the members have put in hundreds of hours to get where we are and thats dedication you can never ask of anyone, All the old players and some of the newer players also in the LS loved ON and what it stood for and we all wanted to go further and only Yael can make us better now, Leadership takes Dedication and being there to give support to ppl,Patience to deal with bad situations and more importantly Loyalty of the members and sad to say that after Mako left all loyalty shifted to Yael since he stood up and barked orders and thats where ON lies now...The Heart of ON was not one person but it was everyone...I'm sad to see this end up like this and my time in ON was great and i'll never forget the times we had but now it's a new era for us as a new LS with a new leader and better times ahead.

I Wuv mako for what she did for us and i'm sorry ppl are treating you this way...Take Care Makore <3 ~Gives Makore a box of cookies~
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