Missingno Card Logs

Dec 19, 2010 08:28

-Starter Pack: bulbasaur09, bulbasaur07, wooper14, cleffa11, mismagius10, teddiursa15, zapdos04, Wiki Berry, Jaboca Berry, Grepa Berry, Apicot Berry, 500 PD.
-Psyduck's Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] turtwig11, ditto13, Star Piece, 111 PD.
-Piplup's Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] budew16, Rowap Berry, 58 PD.
-Who's That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] lunatone14, Wepear Berry, Lum Berry, 177 PD.
-Poliwag's Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] prinplup02, haunter12, Nest Ball, Rawst Berry, TinyMushroom, 242 PD.
-Upcoming Decks: mawile11, monferno19.
-Safari Zone: Safari Ball x8.
-Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] igglybuff09, solrock08.
-Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] metang13, jessie13, Stardust, Repeat Ball, 182 PD.
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] dawn09, gold12, Colbur Berry, Kelpsy Berry, 188 PD.
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] regirock10, buneary02, haunter11, Net Ball, Wiki Berry, Cornn Berry, 400 PD.
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] cyndaquil12, Cornn Berry, 100 PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] kirlia01, chingling14, Repeat Ball, Fast Ball, 188 PD.
-Jubilife TV Lotto: dewgong20, -200PD.

-Pokemart: Bought Fashion Case for 1250 PD.
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] giovanni05, gold05, Star Piece, Charti Berry, 83 PD.
-Sold star piece x2, tinymushroom x1 and stardust x1 and received 2500 PD.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Repeat Ball for bulbasaur01.
-Poke Ball Exchange: exchanged Repeat Ball for bulbasaur02.
-Safari Zone: poliwag03, houndour13, -200 PD, -Safari Ball x8.

-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] onix17, shuckle18, Occa Berry, 103 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] meowth10, Cheri Berry, 195 PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] misdreavus16, chikorita19, Nomel Berry, Magost Berry, 52 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] seel01, Star Piece, Micle Berry, 67 PD
-Jubilife TV Lotto: scizor07, beldum01 -200PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] giovanni01, gold13, Hondew Berry, Grepa Berry, 134 PD
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] lyra10, misty06, Pinap Berry, Rawst Berry, 50 PD
-Upcoming Decks: chimchar11, erika04
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] onix03, solrock05, Petaya Berry, Nest Ball, Rawst Berry, 65 PD
-Safari Zone: Safari Ball x8
-Safari Zone: ekans11, kabuto16, -200 PD, -Safari Ball x8

-Pokemart: Bought Teachy TV for 1250 PD
-Pom-Pom Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] hitmonlee15, chingling17, cleffa16, Lum Berry, Kebia Berry, Red Shard, 223 PD

-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] bonsly04, kabuto06, Great Ball, 67 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] chinchou15, Pinap Berry, 156 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] combusken18, Cheri Berry, 148 PD
-Jubilife TV Lotto: lotad10, poochyena03 -400PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] riolu11, pidgey05, Fast Ball, Chilan Berry, Spelon Berry, 116 PD
-Upcoming Decks: omanyte18, bronzor10
-Safari Zone: received 8 Safari Balls
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] totodile19, Super Potion, 172 PD
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village: received torchic02, larvitar17, chimchar08
-01/02/2011 Site Update: chose bulbasaur03/04/05/06

01/11/2011 -Pokemart: Bought Coin Case for 1250 PD.
-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] cyndaquil20, ponyta18, Rare Candy, 61 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] seel16, Safari Ball, 130 PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] silver09, jenny10, Hondew Berry, Premier Ball, 110 PD
-Wild MissingNO. Appeared!: rotom02, eevee11, wartortle08, roselia11
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] bronzor20, Pamtre Berry, 91 PD
-Jubilife TV Lotto: raichu15, -200PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] blaine14, profoak13, Shuca Berry, Premier Ball, 64 PD
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] brock06, joy06, Spelon Berry, Max Elixir, 195 PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] clefairy15, bronzor18, Repeat Ball, Stardust, 99 PD
-Upcoming Decks: torchic04, cubone02
-Safari Zone: Safari Ball x8
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] dratini08, Big Mushroom, 59 PD
-Slot Machine: aron03, arcanine12, espeon12, bayleef05
-Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] nincada12, empoleon05, buneary19
-Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] grotle08, buizel15, Iapapa Berry, Passho Berry, 225 PD

-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] munchlax09, chingling08, Aspear Berry, 86 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] mudkip13, Passho Berry, 172 PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] houndour20, james07, Net Ball, Persim Berry, 70 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] wartortle16, Super Potion, Jaboca Berry, 115 PD
-Jubilife TV Lotto: jolteon12, meowth18, ekans18, Spelon Berry -200PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] gary02, lyra06, Super Potion, Durin Berry, 79 PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] totodile04, buizel14, TinyMushroom, Sitrus Berry, 162 PD
-Upcoming Decks: pachirisu17, ninetales07
-Safari Zone: Safari Ball x8
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] feebas06, Pomeg Berry, 53 PD
-Slot Machine: lanturn08, bayleef01, ledyba08, grovyle13
-Tall Grass: Nothing.
-Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] drowzee13, shuppet11, Dive Ball, Nanab Berry, 189 PD
-Voting: wynaut11, gengar05

-Error Reports: steelix11, lotad05.

-Approved: chingling04, cubone13
-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] torchic11, chimchar17, Red Shard, 51 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] weedle13, Safari Ball, 188 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] dragonair18, Chilan Berry, 79 PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] sabrina13 (double), lyra07, Kelpsy Berry, Pamtre Berry, 70 PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] ditto01, totodile20, Max Ether, Aguav Berry, 174 PD
-Upcoming Decks: houndour01, alakazam04
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] wurmple12, Watmel Berry, 152 PD
-Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] latias17
-Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] bayleef17, sabrina13, Grepa Berry, Fast Ball, 229 PD
-Slot Machine: hitmontop07, spheal16, marill03, lopunny08
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] silver03, ltsurge09, Shuca Berry, Mago Berry, 69 PD
-Safari Zone: Safari Ball x8
-Jubilife TV Lotto: feraligatr14, steelix07 -200PD
-Jackpot: -250PD

-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] caterpie09, bronzor09, Lum Berry, 53 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] larvitar12, Figy Berry, 200 PD
-Unown Unscramble: [used no char & no pkmn] chikorita15, oddish04, Passho Berry, Qualot Berry, 149 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] tyrogue05, Repeat Ball, Rindo Berry, 97 PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] giovanni01, ash03, Poke Ball, Ether, 151 PD
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] brock04, koga06, Dive Ball, Payapa Berry, 190 PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] riolu17, cubone12, Big Pearl, Super Potion, 147 PD
-Upcoming Decks: rapidash20, bellossom02
-Jubilife TV Lotto: empoleon01, wobbuffet03 -200PD
-Safari Zone: Safari ball x8
-&Trade: raichu15 with Icera for bulbasaur16
-&Trade: alakazam04 & lopunny08 with J-chan for rotom16 and blaine09
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village (Luna): growlithe04, houndour05 and torchic01
-Bulbasaur's Hidden Village (Emma): chimchar01, cyndaquil09, ditto11
-&Trade: meowth10/18 with Kuri for ponyta03 and treecko03

-Psyducks Memory: [used no char & no pkmn] riolu10, starmie17, Chople Berry, 174 PD
-Piplups Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] marill10, Grepa Berry, 131 PD
-Whos That Pokemon?: [used no char & no pkmn] sandshrew05, Haban Berry, 164 PD
-Princess Training: [used no char & no pkmn] kris03, gold06, Durin Berry, Leppa Berry, 166 PD
-Dawns Dress-Up: [used no char & no pkmn] sabrina10, dawn13, Pinap Berry, Shuca Berry, 292 PD
-Tall Grass: [used no char & no pkmn] rayquaza05
-Know-It-All: [used no char & no pkmn] seel09, vibrava13, Ether, Kebia Berry, 224 PD
-Tic Tac Togepi: [used no char & no pkmn] shuppet05, Big Pearl, 161 PD
-Pokemart: bought TM22 for 5000 PD
-Poliwags Puzzle: [used no char & no pkmn] clefairy13, shieldon11, Pomeg Berry, Elixir, 60 PD
-Exchanged pokeball x1 for bulbasaur20
-Exchanged greatball x1 for bulbasaur19
-Sold bigpearl x2, stardust x1, starpiece x1, and nugget x1. Received 6150 PD
-Bought Booster Pack x1
-Basic Booster Pack A: received pikachu12, ash05, blaziken12, togepi10, espeon08, and mew10

*card log, .missingno

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