-Starter Pack: kainhighwind03, kainhighwind19, kainhighwind14, borderlands11, suikodeniii02, sims201, popww07, poptsot13, seisennokeifu01, haloreach14.
-Guess the Number: animalcrossing16, popww13.
-Lottery: gearsofwar18.
-Pick a Console: bioshock14, shikimihara07, wowtbc20.
-Release Dates: maddennfl1001, maddennfl1005.
-Slots: gearsofwar204, godofwar304.
-Tic Tac Toe: wowcataclysm14, wowtbc16, star shroom x1.
-Video Game Trivia: caocao17, yoshi14.
-Word Scramble: tofsymphonia01, yoshi15.
-Card Puzzle: supermario6406, popstot05.
-Distorted Character: faith03, ladysylvanas10.
-Distorted Game Cover: xenosaga215, haruka410.
-Go Fish: Nothing. :(
-Locations: dynasty704, rockband13.
-4-In-One: tokimemogs215, panicpalette17.
-Crossword: gearsofwar210, smariogalaxy11, yoshi12 and a star shroom.
-Image Puzzle: caocao01, sims205, wowcataclysm06, and a star shroom.
-Memory: comicgarden16, corda10.
-Weekly Freebies: devilmaycry403.
-Claimed Forum Freebies: kainhighwind10, kingdomhearts06 and kingdomhearts13.
-Guess the Number: mkdoubledash03.
-Lottery: Nothing. :(
-Pick a Console: kuja06, seisennokeifu17.
-Release Dates: bioshock09, haruka413.
-Slots: supermariobros17, deadoralive402.
-Tic Tac Toe: residentevil516, ssbbrawl06, star shroom x1.
-Word Scramble: grandia11, wildarms308.
-Video Game Trivia: faith08, smariogalaxy207, subzero17.
-Weekly Freebies: legendofzelda20.
-Question of the Day 12/10/2010: diabloII19.
-Claimed Forum Freebies: animalcrossing05, devilmaycry411, and legendofzelda01.
-Advent Calendar Day 1: Claimed fable19, finalfantasyx02, and kainhighwind07.
-Missing Mario: cookingmama01, kainhighwind13.
-Lost Christmas (Santa): tokimemogs213.
-Lost Christmas (Tree): neoangelique15.
-Lost Christmas (Angel): diabloII10.
-Lost Christmas (Snowman): tokimemogs119.
-Lost Christmas (Reindeer): gearsofwar01.
-Levelled Up to Level 2! Received kainhighwind01, pikachu10, and twilightprincess06.
-Advent Calendar Day 2: Claimed chunli06, kainhighwind15, kainhighwind18.
-Card Swap (December): haruka410 for animalcrossing02.
-Lost Christmas (Bonus): dynasty717, ssbbrawl05, 1 choice regular card.
-Question of the Day 12/12/2010: ff1305.
-Trade: Nijaki: yoshi14/15 for kuja09/16.
-Trade: Lana: cookingmama01 for kainhighwind04.
-Trade: Andrea: poptsot13 for sims213 + member cards.
-Trade: Lex: fable19 for kainhighwind20.
-Question of the Day 12/13/2010: suikodeniii19.
-Advent Calendar Day 3: Claimed kuja15, pikachu12, and a red mushroom ($10).
-Trade: Elen: diablo210/19, ff1305, and member card: Ouji for kuja19 tofsymphonia15, talesofvesperia09 and member card: Elen.
-Trade: Anna: haloreach14 and member card: Ouji for kuja11 and member card: Anna.
-Trade: Emjay: kingdomhearts13 and member card: Ouji for kuja18 and member card: Emjay.
-Trade: Rena: ladysylvanas10 and member card: Ouji for kuja05 and member card: Rena.
-Advent Calendar Day 4: Claimed devilmaycry401, legendofzelda02 and legendofzelda16.
-Trade: Joey: mkdoubledash03 and member card: Ouji for kuja13 and member card: Joey.
-Trade: Rahenna: supermariobros17 for kuja10.
-Trade: Nejana: gearsofwar18, gearsofwar210 and memeber card: Ouji for kuja03, kuja07 and member card: Nejana.
-Trade: Alecks: wowcataclysm06 and wowcataclysm14 for kainhighwind02 and kingdomhearts12.
-Guess the Number: mariokartwii08
Lottery: wowtbc10
Pick a Console: dynasty520, renalanford12, smariogalaxy15
Release Dates: gearsofwar18, hariyakounoshin17
Slots: xenosaga309, yuber10
Tic Tac Toe: faith20, residentevil517, $5
Video Game Trivia: poptsot08, grandia20, tofsymphonia04
Word Scramble: smariogalaxy203, panicpalette16,
Card Puzzle: gearsofwar02, shikimihara12
Distorted Character: chronotrigger14, codblackops05
Distorted Game Cover: rekkanoken20, rockband19
Locations: diabloII03, corda15
Member Pages: haruka413, madokakijyou16
Go Fish: Nothing
Advent Calendar Day 5: Claimed $20
Advent Calendar Day 6: wowwotlk05, terrabranford11, and mario12
Advent Calendar Day 7: ssbbrawl06, sonicthehedgehog15, and kuja01
Advent Calendar Day 8: fable09, fable10
-12/19/2010 Site Update - pkmngs16, pkmngs17, sora01, sora18, okami05, okami06, katamaridamacy05, katamaridamacy13, spyrothedragon05, spyrothedragon19, squallleonhart06, squallleonhart07. Xenosaga311 for answering the question.
-12/12/2010 Site Update - kuja02, kuja04, deadoralive410, deadoralive420, legendofzelda03, legendofzelda04, ssbbrawl16, ssbbrawl19, terrabranford14, terrabranford19, cammy07, cammy11, finalfantasyiv03, finalfantasyiv04, finalfantasyvi13, finalfantasyvi15, grandia07. Animalcrossing01 for answering the question.
-Weekly Freebies: pkmngs07
-Levelled Up to Level 3! Received kuja17, haruka412, subzero17.
Guess the Number: dantesinferno07
Lottery: vandalhearts204, $5
Pick a Console: $20
Tic Tac Toe: fran01, madokakijyou10, $5
Video Game Trivia: starcraft2wol04, knuckles10, spacechannel501
Word Scramble: masterchief03, half-life206
Card Puzzle: half-life216, residentevil507
Distorted Character: vandalhearts14, talesofvesperia01
Locations: mkdoubledash16, ssbbrawl18
Image Puzzle: smariogalaxy16, kingdomhearts20, pokemonstadium03, $5
Crossword: jak12, sindel16, kainhighwind14, $5
Memory: half-life208, popttt06
4-in-1: grandia07, supermariobros07
Missing Mario: haruka16, harvestmoon6403
Member Pages: ffivds14, fable07
-Trade: Fable09/10 with Nejana for kuja08/14
-Week #7 Freebies: pkmngs08, pokemonsnap02, and vanille15
-Question of the Day 12/23/2010: devilmaycry403
-Question of the Day 12/22/2010: tokimemogs204
-Question of the Day 12/21/2010: gearsofwar216
-Question of the Day 12/19/2010: princesspeach08
-Question of the Day 12/18/2010: ssbbrawl04
-Question of the Day 12/16/2010: xenosaga203
-Question of the Day 12/15/2010: deadoralive418
-Question of the Day 12/14/2010: finalfantasyiv03
-Trade: starcraft2wol04, diabloII03, popttt06, popww13 with Elen for kainhighwind09, okami09, harvestmoon6401, talesofvesperia02
-Trade: squallleonhart06, comicgarden16, katamaricdamacy05/13 with Rena for kainhighwind16, pkmngs11, sora16, ffivds12
-Redeemed Christmas present (Christmas tree) and received chronocross12, mariokartwii06, mariokartwii11, odinsphere19, and xenogears07
-Guess the Number: codblackops13
-Lottery: dynasty509
-Pick a Console: $20
-Release Dates: panicpalette01, popttt05
-Slots: katamaridamacy01, deadoralive407
-Tic Tac Toe: finalfantasyx09, finalfantasyx04, $5
-Video Game Trivia: ssmashbro6415, prettysoldiersm04, silenthill519
-Word Scramble: mkdoubledash01, panicpalette04
-Weekly Freebies: raikou14.
-Members' Favorites: Hero (forum) - xenosaga206
-Question of the Day 1/23/2011: mkdoubledash13, wowwotlk12
-Question of the Day 1/22/2011: assassinscreedii14
-Question of the Day 1/21/2011: poptsot14
-Week #8 Freebies: finalfantasyx12, fran14, finalfantasyxiii04
-01/23/2011 Site Update - aeris08/19, axel16/18, magicalmelody08/15, crisiscoreffvii02/09, prettysoldiersm05/10
-Question of the Day 01/25/2011: tokimemogs115
-Redeemed choice card for kuja20
-Purchased a monthly pack (forums) and received hariyakounoshin09, dissidiafinalfantasy12, yuber17, grandia15, yoshi16, smariogalaxy05, silenthill516, kunoichi04, grandia17, pokemonstadium12, animalcrossing05, knuckles03, supermariobros220, mario18, sonicthehedgehog19, samurai319, kratosaurion09, axel19, hariyakounoshin13, maestro02
-Guess the Number: ssmashbro6401
-Lottery: supermariobros307
-Pick a Console: popttt10, haruka415, sonicthehedgehog18
-Release Dates: haruka12, gwnightfall13
-Slots: doom309, reddeadredemp04
-Tic Tac Toe: vandalhearts07, yuber13, $5
-Video Game Trivia: khbirthbysleep17, tails18, kairi04
-Word Scramble: haloreach04, godofwar313
-Card Puzzle: spyrothedragon19, diabloII04
-Distorted Character: gearsofwar214, smariogalaxy203
-Distorted Game Cover: maestro04, kairi10
-Go Fish: masseffect04
-Locations: magicalmelody17, bowser15
-Member Pages: wowtbc01, assassinscreedii14
-Weekly Freebies: sephiroth16
-Levelled up to Level 4! Received caocao12, kuja12, and xenosaga201
-Mastered Kuja! Received heavyrain12, kainhighwind12, kainhighwind17, supermario6405, and yoshi14
-Trade: Rena: magicalmelody08/15/17 and shikimihara07 for fable05/19, ffivds13, and dissidiafinalfantasy04
-Week #9 Freebies: kingdomhearts11, khbirthbysleep16, sephiroth15