Game of chance

May 25, 2009 20:44

Had a lot more on the brain earlier in the day, but naturally when it comes time that work is over and I'm actually at home all those ideas are right out the window. I'm feeling a bit lazy, and will be slowly working out formatting for this, so don't mind me.

Anime North was one hell of an experience this weekend, I really have to say. It was my first convention going, and there was a lot to take in from it all.
The main goal was to go there and help Underworld with it's table and events there. Naturally, many aspects were a bit last minute and a bit stressful, but in the end, I think everything worked out very well.

Friday was relatively simple. A lot of it was just figuring out the room, and seeing all the props and costume that was able to be worked out for. All in all, the best part was just getting to hang out with people OOG, I have to admit. There was some interest, and the bulk of it was telling people about what the plan was for Saturday. Supper choice was Boston Pizza, which is always nice, and not just because of the schooners... alright, it's partially because of the schooners.

Saturday was the largest part of the work that had to be done. Not going to lie, many points on Saturday were a lot of work, and there was a whole lot of people.
Of note, the adventure Mod and the Battle Royal were the big winners of the day (this isn't to say that fishing and getting pictures taken wasn't a good thing, I think this just got the most direct game exposure.). There was so much walking, I'm glad I had some cream for my feet when I got home. Supper choice was going to be Swiss Chalet, but they decided to close early (which made my inner business sense cry out. Why would you close at 10 on a Weekend night, especially when there's a large convention going on. Honestly.) so, instead we went to Kelsey's. Ribs and wings are tasty, but I really wish more wings would come then just five.

Sunday was more relaxing then anything else. A good breakfast (even if I filled up too much on pancakes again), and the chance to look around and shop.
I was, in a way kind of disappointed in the sales that were going around. I guess I might have just been looking for the wrong stuff however. I mean, games were what I was after and they were hella expensive ($150 for Final Fantasy VII and that's without the instruction book or any of the other frills? Shame on you owner).

Overall I look forward to going to another Convention next year. There were a lot of great costumes, and some I could have gone without seeing. (really large man in Sailor Moon outfit that let his package hang out... yeahhhh.) Maybe it's something Fantasy Alive would like to look into, but, there's a lot more time to think on that for later on. There were points where I was over-thinking, but, I feel much better about it now that it's not worth writing down what I was over analyzing about.

Speaking of Fantasy Alive, I'm still sorry to everyone about the first event being cancelled. Trust me, it's not what we wanted to happen at all, but it just seems that with the past few years we just do not have any luck with the first weekend events. I wish we could find a way to stop what's happening from happening, or a new site. Currently as it stands, there's investigation into temporary buildings.
I had a weird dream awhile back about running a full LARP in a small town for the entire length of the summer. None stop craziness. Made me want a site of my own... and reminded me if I ever want to be serious I should be writing out rules ideas more.
On Fantasy Alive, I'm looking over some of my overarching plot ideas and it makes me sad. Why you might ask? So many of them I have planned to last for a very long time. Not sure if people believe there's a need for a new HoP soon, but I know eventually I'd like to go back to PCing. From the sounds of it, assuming all goes well though, I'll be around for this season and probably the next as well. Heh, just some of my ideas I have to put on the back burner, some of them could be a bit too much right away.

Legend of the Dragoon and Megaman give me too many ideas for The PH book only D&D campaign I have. I've also have a lot more ideas for Heroes II, the revenge, which makes me happy.
Ian's been running a lot lately. The Talisman inspired board game mod was really wicked, have to say. More so ideas with Heroes II, but that's reaching certain places, so never know what kind of interest that will bring up. Naturally I have my cross-galaxy of doom still.Pirates I have monster possibility plans, but Pirates is supposed to be over the top. I mean hey, I even have plans for Sci-Fi, crazy enough.

I heard that lately there has been a trend in hyphenating names for children. I'm not meaning to say this as a bad thing, but I didn't know there was a desire to have a really long name. I can understand wanting to choose a good name for a child, that's a tough decision, but, I mean I know elementary school can be pretty cruel to some people, a really long name would be a small thing to pick on. I guess I'm more just surprised on the leaning trend, I guess like anything else, with time it might not be so weird at all.

I know this may sound bad, but just because I offer or give a massage doesn't mean I want that person. For some reason, there was a lot of that talk as of late, and I have no idea why.
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