Keep your Jesus out of my ears.

Sep 01, 2010 10:28

I'm really starting to get irritated that many of my favorite music artists are putting out what amounts to a full on Christian album. I have no problem with them "finding god" or speaking about their religion or even being Christian. But when they have never (or rarely ever) used god as subject matter in their songs and then the release an entire disc dedicated to religion, it really puts me off (especially if I paid for it without realizing it). If I wanted to listen to that, I'd go get some of that type music. I don't. And what I really don't like is when I buy an album expecting it to be a rocking release by a favorite artist and I end up with 12 tunes about Jesus and/or the bible. I don't care if the songs are good if it is not a subject I want to hear about.

I guess I need to start reading all the lyrics before I buy music.

I'm also aggrivated by the amount of "friends" on facebook who make every other post about God/Jesus. I don't constantly post things like "Buddhism is the best thing ever." or "Ganesha removes my obstacles." or "All my Gods are better than your God." or even "I just sacrificed a goat to Satan. Click 'like' if Satan is your demon of worship!" The sucky thing is that their non-Jesus posts can be interesting and they are mostly really great people.

Maybe there should be a facebook app that can hide posts based on content.

religious rant, rant

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