Your Metaphor Is Digging Into My Cankles.

Aug 29, 2008 10:36

The last few weeks have been a mixed bag of events.

Dad has been out of rehab after his knee surgery for awhile now. I was nervous about visiting last weekend, but it ended up being a pretty good visit. He's been put on Seroquel. I can't begin to tell you how much better his attitude, energy and focus are compared to pre-surgery. He is currently under the impression that Seroquel is for blood pressure. I am not for drugging someone without consent, but if he knew what it was... let's just say that it would get ugly really quick. To put it another way... A year ago, he stopped playing poker with us because it confused him. We played along when he insisted that we were dealing "backwards". The direction of the dealer switched 4 times as he insisted that we were going in the wrong direction. He also couldn't keep up with who was betting what, if he already put in, what game we were playing, or what he was even holding in his hand. This time when we decided to play, so did he. We all looked around and cringed. Not only was he coherent and clear (for the most part), he also doubled his money and ended the big winner of the night. It's really good to have him back. I was getting pretty worried.

Maia went back to her Dad after being with us for the summer. This was probably the most enjoyable summer with her ever. We seemed to have gotten over the angsty rift between us (caused partially by her Dad). She and Kai did really well together too. We've had a little adjustment period and we already miss her greatly. I have a feeling that within a few years, she may very well choose to come live with us during the school year. Her Dad and Step Mom are considerably more strict and don't really let her make her own decisions nor respect her boundaries and opinions. At least, that's what we hear anyway.

Kai and I have had some issues of late. We've been butting heads a bit. There's nothing like having a son to show you unhealed issues that you have with your little brother and your father. We are doing better now after I got some perspective. He starts Pre-K next Tuesday for 3 full days a week at the Asian American Cultural Center. It looks to be a really great program. What will I do with my time? Work, work on the house, the garden, my workshop, build a deck? and who knows what else. There are a ton of projects on my to do list.

We've been uber busy getting ready for some of the Fall shows that we will be vending at. Some of the new products are polymer clay pendants, new batches of soap and hand dipped incense. Also making more carved stone pendants, wire wrapped items and a new cast pentagram pendant that some of you have already seen. I'll be posting the pentagrams soon. The only negative part of getting ready is that I have been going rounds with the owner of Middlefaire about where my booth will be placed. I've been telling the coordinators since last year that I wanted the same space as last year. I mentioned it 3 times to 2 different people. Both vendor coordinators were no longer able to perform their task so the owner of the faire took it over and gave my space to someone else and said that they beat me to it. Uh, I don't think so. He has yet to respond to my last email and has not been seen on either list for the faire.

In other news, my Brother-In-Law (Danny) has asked me to design and produce a new ring for my sister for their anniversary. I have a huge budget to work with. The profit of which is going to do so much awesome stuff for the business. I am excited, but also a little nervous. This one sale will amount to more than I have already made this year in sales.

My brother Vince got married to his boyfriend recently. They went to Seattle and then up to Vancouver for the ceremony. They had a great time and seem to be very happy. On the day of the ceremony as they watched the sun go down in the West, looking East, there was a full moon rising. Spectacular!

That's it for now. More later...

michelle, kai, ron, abzu, middlefaire, danny, maia, vince, dad

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