Good morning campers!

Jan 07, 2008 06:44

I am up way early this morning. It's still dark outside. Julie had to get up around 4:30 this morning to head out to Vegas for a work thingy. She'll be gone till Friday. I'm kinda bummed. Not just because it will be a week that she's gone, but also because there are 2 awesome conventions there that I will be missing. One is The International Consumer Electronics Show and the other being the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo. The only thing missing would be a Jewelry Show or Video Game Expo. Maybe that's where we'll go for our anniversary next year. Vegas! Or maybe the Tucson Gem Shows. I don't know.

Our anniversary this year will be another cruise to Mexico. We are both really excited about going. As Julie posted recently, the cruise line had reduced the rate of the fare to below what we had paid. The cool thing about that is you can call them up and get a credit for the difference. They dropped it twice and we ended up with $100 in credits to spend on the ship for whatever. Can you say bar tab? Since then, they raised the fare to way more than what we paid, but we still keep the credits. Just plain awesome.

I may get a little posty today. There is much that I've been wanting to post, but haven't had the time.

julie in vegas

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