Oct 01, 2007 10:49

I haven't had much time to keep up with LJ the last few days. This weekend was mostly about getting ready for Middlefaire. We both made a bunch of new jewelry. I continued painting the EZ-UP. Stuff was organized and clothes packed. Julie did a bunch of sewing for the ceiling of the EZ-UP (to hide the metal poles). And I cleaned around 600 individual earrings, bracelets and earrings using the tried and true Mr. Wizard method (this link is not Mr. Wizard, but it does show the technique I first saw on his show as a kid). It took the better part of yesterday to finish it all. All that and regular house stuff too. So yeah, busy.

We did get away from the fray for a little while and went to the birthday party at scrith & thenakedredhead's house. It was a great party and we had lots of fun.

middlefaire, party, jewelry

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