Hades Lord of the Dead's December Calendar Challenge of Awesomeness 2013-2014 - Day Fourteen

Nov 06, 2015 05:43

[Prompt from mrspencil and Ennui Enigma]From mrspencil and Ennui Enigma: 14/ Mrs Hudson is missing

I was startled from a doze before the fire by my intimate friend Sherlock Holmes, who was bellowing at the top of his voice on the landing.

"Mrs. Hudson! Mrs. Hudson! Where the deuce are the tea things?"

I rubbed a hand across my eyes and gazed up at the clock. It was just after four and so tea was only slightly overdue. I decided to go and tell the fellow to allow our housekeeper to go about her duties in peace.

I had just stepped onto the landing when the page ran up the stairs. "Mr. Holmes, she went out for shopping more than an hour ago and she's not back yet. Sorry Mr. Holmes. I'm sure she's had to walk slower than she expected in this weather."

"Yes indeed," said I with no small amount of sympathy.

Holmes grunted in contemplative agreement and dismissed him. He stood with his eyes closed and his fingers beating a rhythm upon the bannister beside him for a time and then he gave a sudden start and leapt down the stairs.

"Come Watson!"

Once we were both well dressed for the conditions, we stepped out into the street. Snow hung in the air and crunched underfoot, obscuring treacherous icy patches.

Holmes linked his arm through mine and tested the pavement before us with his cane, advising me to follow his lead. When I slipped he kept me from falling and I did the same when his feet found a hidden patch of ice. It felt as if we had been walking for an age when we were hailed by one of Holmes' little street arabs.

"I was just coming to find you!" he gasped as he skidded to a halt. "It's Mrs. Hudson. She fell over and she says her leg hurts. We can't move her, we can't. She's getting terrible cold."

I had to keep my companion from breaking into a run. "It would never do to have one of us taking a dangerous fall as well old fellow," I reminded him quietly. "We shall have to have a care."

He nodded and squeezed my arm. "Thank you Watson. Quite right."

When we found Mrs. Hudson, she was pale and drawn, her face telling me that she was indeed in tremendous pain. The Irregulars were doing their utmost to protect her from the cold by surrounding her and they had piled their own ragged and meagre clothing atop her.

"We done all we could, see?" our guide said breathlessly.

Holmes smiled at him. "You have done very well Andrew. Now, I think that we shall need a cab; could you boys go and find one? Here is some money."

With the promise of a good wage when their work was done, the group scampered away. Once we were alone, Holmes assisted me in assessing the damage done to our dear housekeeper's leg. She had a clean fracture, which was a small blessing, but my bag was back at the house.

"I could send one of the boys back for it," Holmes suggested.

I shook my head. "We have to get Mrs. Hudson in out of this weather as quickly as possible or she may contract pneumonia."

As if to illustrate my point, the lady gave a violent shiver.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it gently. "Are there any sticks about that could be used as splints Holmes?"

"I shall check. Are you truly going to set her leg here?"

I had no choice. In order to get Mrs. Hudson to a hospital in one piece it was vital. Holmes agreed and was gone for some time, leaving me to comfort the brave woman at my side.

Holmes returned with some makeshift splints at almost the same moment as the Irregulars. The cabby looked on for a time, obviously thinking that it was good enough of him to wait, but then my companion began deligating as only he can.

In no time at all, we had Mrs. Hudson's leg splinted using our scarves and an old table leg and part of a Billiard cue. We then helped her into the waiting cab and were on our way at the greatest speed the cabby dared go.

We soon had the dear lady secured in a hospital bed, though Holmes did not like to leave her. He insisted that it was simply because he only likes her fine cooking, but the expression on his face and the way that his gaze lingered upon her when we promised to visit her left me with the impression that his stomach was the last thing upon his mind.

december calendar, fanfic, friendship, christmas, challenge, sherlock holmes, care, hurt/comfort, cold, complete story, hypothermia, 2013-2014, fan fiction, ice, injury

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