Oct 30, 2008 08:01
Well, the Twilight ficlet was accepted into the archive I submitted it to last night, and this morning I awoke to ten postive reviews .... and a kind note from the archive beta. Which, really! Such attention!
Trout's couch was most extremely comfortable last night. Or I was most extremely exhausted. Whichever it was, I slept with total awesomeness. Booyah.
I've already had half a bottle of Diet Pepsi this morning, and it is JUST NOW 8:04am. I have a problem. A Big Problem.
My next writing project is Mighty Things, because it got lost in the shuffle. I can get my ego-stroking done in the Twilight fandom, so writing for fun for SW is probably easier now. :) See, Twilight hasn't ruined H/L fic for me - it's made it better!