Feb 12, 2006 23:54
I firmly believe the following is a message from the Creator. Take that as you will, but it is an idea that I want to turn into a story. I think it would make a good one.
There was a boy that was outcast. A geek and a nerd to all that knew him. He lived in a small town, in the mountains and was left with no family and almost no friends. The mountain area was in a “bowl-like valley.” The town itself was on the edge of a major rail line for the area and a major roadway.
Though the town was small, it had a fairly large population. But the population was divided into four different sections. One was the hillside, which had pretty much built upon the sides of the mountains. The next was the upper valley. The third was the lower valley and the fourth, most unrecognized was the outer fringe. This was the poorest section of the town and the closest to the next.
The boy was born in the out fringes of town and was later brought to the upper mountain valley by a distant aunt. She raised him the best she could till he was eighteen and there died. But being the free spirit he was all he wanted to do was draw. He wanted to share his love for his valley, his aunt and the woman he knew he would someday love, with everyone in the valley. And because each section had it’s own poor and took care of it’s own, for here was a town that took care of it’s own, the people were polite enough to let him stay and helped and enjoyed his art work. It gave him plenty of free time and the chance to learn to love all people of his mountain town.
One day he was in the upper step, the part of town that was closest to his part and visiting a friend. Truth was he spent most of his time here with his friend, who was a girl. But she was a girl that was just a friend. Had been for the past three years he had met her. They spent lots of time together and they did what friends do; talk, play and share their dreams and heart felt desires. But in this town that was strange because so few people mixed with different parts of the town. Usually if you were a mountain, you kept with the mountains, a first stepper you stayed with the first steppers and so forth. Though this town was happy and proud of its unusually place in the mountains, it was rare that people would mix with others from their section.
One day when the boy was chasing the bus to go to the next town, but because he was such a geek and such an outcast they would tease him and poke fun at him, for being so weak that he could never get to the bus on time. So, he was often left out of seeing any town but his own. Well, bothered by the fact that he missed the buss again he decided that he would go for a walk in the woods. That was the last anyone saw from him for several days.
Then came the great flood. A flood that was so powerful, so great that only the wall of the lower step could stop it. The wall that spanned the lower part of the mountains that made of a large building. This building was a mall, hospital, apartments and businesses that supported the lower valley. And helped those in the upper, though most in the upper didn’t know that. The upper step was the place in which was built upon the old cave, that few new about, but which most benefitted from due to it being the water source for the entire town.
One day a great rain came. It was great because it was heavy and lasted for several days. But no one really paid any attention to it beyond that. At least no one in the Mountains or the upper valley. At first. Because of the age of the town and the amount of rain that fell, and the uniqueness of the valley structure, the cave had become bigger, and the second step became more and more bowel shaped itself. The upper valley people recognizing that there could be some trouble in this area had built some large columns to support the roof of the cave on which they lived. The wall that had been built out of the need for business had truly from a wall in which was built over and the sides of the river that sprang from the cave. Well, because it was a river and because there was a cave, eventually the river brought debris in which would plug up the hole that had been built in the wall. Those in the second stepped continuously asked for help from the mayor and the people of the second step for help to remove the block. And they being a generous sort on the second step did, but it was only enough that it allowed for only enough water to temporarily fix the problem. Because boulders would come again the next year or so due to rain and the river’s power. Some would even ask, “Why have you made our buildings into a wall that closes out the base of the mountain?” In which the second steppers would reply, “In order to look good and provide an easier step up to the second step,” but secretly some would say, “Because it looks good,” and other secretly would say, “To keep a clearer definition between your part of the valley and ours.” And some among the second steppers would say, “So they can look down upon us,” and others would say, “So they can show who’s in charge,” and others would say, “So they don’t have to see those in the lower valley.”
Well, at the time of the great rain a great boulder came. With it it brought great rocks as well and thoroughly blocked the hole in the wall/buildings that distinguished the second valley. And so the people in the second valley did what they always had to do, ask for those above them for help, and always those up above did what they always did, gave just what they felt the could and needed to give. But when the people of the second valley said it wasn’t enough, those up above said, “We’re doing all we can,” and closed the big ebony door upon those from the second step. Again the people asked and this time a little more was given, but still not enough. So one of the men, who felt sorry for those upon the second step came out and said, “We’d give you more, but you see we have to feed ourselves, we have to buy tickets for the train so we can get to our jobs in other areas, we have to make certain our police have what we need them to have.” So the second valley took what was told to them and tried to make the best that they could. But some of the second step were not happy and chose to see just what they people of the first step needed after all. And of those some, one would say, “Why they’re buying clothes for thousands of dollars that we pay only a few for,” another would say, “Why they’re buying houses that are taller and bigger than any house anyone I’ve ever known to live in,” and yet another said, “Why they’re not even giving the police what they need, but tell them instead what they tell us.” But none of this came to the people of second steps ears or to those of the lower valley. No one cared or paid attention when it did. Most people said, “Well, we can do it ourselves anyway.”
So they tried and tried to remove the blockage, only to make the occasional hole in the blockage. In the meantime, the water kept getting higher. There were those who said, “Those above us know what they’re doing,” in such a manner and so loudly, that those below believed. But there were others that said, “We need more help.” Sadly a great fight rose over this issue.
But the fight did nothing to help the second step. The bowl like second step filled with water while no on in the valley below or the first step noticed.
It was because of the closed aspects of the communities that the boy never knew. But for someone like him it wouldn’t matter. But what did to him was helping people. While in the woods the boy found something special. Something that would allow him to do the thing he liked best. Helping people.
Now the great rain didn’t just hurt the second step. It hurt everyone. And because he lived in the mountains, a poor section of the town, and was so familiar with the first step, he helped the people there. But because of the closed aspect of the community he only knew the damage to the first step and the mountains. Those who were hurt he would go to and do what he could. He knew the power of someone who could look on the “bright side of things” while everything was going bad. He wore white long-sleeved shirt and cream colored cackies.
He also had an idea of what he found. So armed with an idea to help those in need he proceeded to go from on place to another, spreading cheer and helping while he could. Then he found he could fly. At first it was more of a long jump, then a glide. But he found the more people that were hurt, the more people that were in need, he needed to help them see that things are weren’t as bad as they seemed, but instead were better than they hoped.
Then he found out about the second step. He rushed there to do what he could. All he had was hope, and he wanted to give to all, and if necessary, rescue people. The people it turned out were fine, but, by all apereances, not for long. The water continued to rise, and the people were running out of room. In the buildings that formed the wall, the people were not paying attention. They were instead more concerned with making sure that people behaved properly in order to be ready for the on coming need of their service. And when the boy went to warn the people the danger they said, “We know there’s a problem, but we’re not scared because we know our faith with guide us. And our faith says that it is the way that people are acting that is keeping the work from getting done, so we’re trying to make certain that people behave properly so that they work properly.” Then he proceeded to beat a boy who asked, “Why don’t you just do what the angel says?” because he was supposed to be seen and not heard.
At this the boy cried. As he cried he said, “You will stop that now.” To which the man replied, “You are not one of us, therefore you don’t count,” and continued to beat the child. The boy afresh with anger charged the man then said to the children, “Go now and leave him to me,” lifting the man by the neck in the air with him, “ for now you have what these people fear most and that’s your freedom. Go and do what you know you must. Save those who need you.” To the man he said, “You art vile unto His eyes. No one should be a child for being a child or asking a question. Punish them in a manner so they know he is being punished and why. Because like a puppy they do not understand the world around them.” Then he let the man go. The man replied, “I am right and you are wrong. I know this because I have always followed the rules laid down to us in this book.” At this the boy left and cried for the man.
He flew out of the window and over the field below. It is then that boy saw just how big the world was. It was then he saw the trouble for which those on the first step did not dare see or even if they did, did not admit to. And that was that if and when the wall that was made was to burst, it would destroy not just this town, but the next and the next and the next following, because they all followed the river.