Scissors and Butterflies (1999) by Francesco Clemente

Apr 27, 2005 23:22

So I finally decided to upload a picture. I'm feeling all kinds of artsy today so I googled my recent favorite from art history: Fracesco Clemente's 'Scissors and Butterflies.' Trust me, it looks so much cooler blown up, but I guess it's not too bad as a thumbnail either.

I want a poster of this, but I can't find any so far. Too bad I saw this after my birthday or I would've told my friends about it and let them worry about finding one. Oh well, I like my real birthday present better anyway.

Among other things, I keep thinking what I'll buy for Sunny with my summer job money. Yeah, I want to save up of course, but I need motivation to keep working. I was thinking I might even build him a cool mouse house myself. Wish I'd taken 3D Design under a different professor. Then I might actually have the skills to do somethng like that. Not to speak ill of the dead or anything (Rest in Peace Victoria!).

I don't know though. What's so bad about speaking ill of the dead. I mean, as long as it's just a personal opinion or something. Anyway, Scissors and Butterflies.

I think it's one of the most easily read pieces you can look at. Even without art training you can feel the sensuality and tension. Or maybe I'm overestimating people. Who knows? Joseph Beuys performance piece, "How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare," was all about the idea that explaing art to the non-art trained is like explaining pictures to a dead hare: pointless.

Of any of the weird performance art I've studied, that's got to be the only one to stick in my mind of course. But I guess because I agree to an extent. If you're not inclined toward art, if you don't have an interest in art on your own, regardless of whether you're trained to analyze and appreciate it, then it's just frustrating to try and explain it.
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