Looks like I haven't been here in a few months. Lets see if I can summarize my suckass life, hmm? XD
Went to Florida for the month of February and stayed with my sister for most of the trip because my sister-in-law's religious nut-job mom won't let me and Eddie stay with them since we're not married. If you don't know my sister, she's a whiny self-centered coke-addicted drunk. I've only recently gotten my acid-reflux back under control from the time I spent as a nervous wreck down there. She invited her drunk-ass coke-fiend friend over while she was supposed to be watching my niece's baby. I will say, my sister didn't actually drink until my niece got home, but once she stepped through the door, whoa-buddy "gimme that beer!" -snort- Then she fuckin' goes with her fiend to get coke, or crack or meth or whatever the fuck she ingests (at 3am) and the stupid bitch hit "something" and got pulled over for DUI (Driving under the influence), My sister got all sobby and the cop let *her* go, cause she was just the drunk passenger. ofe course she forgot her cell so she's calling the house and no one knew she was gone so when Eddie answers the phone and hears her voice he thinks she's answered the phone and hangs up, then my niece turned off the ringer because it was waking up her baby. My sister had to grab a ride home with the tow-truck driver -smirk-
Also during my *visit* she drunkenly decides to tell me that my mom hadn't meant to get pregnant with me. Well I already knew that, she was on birth control, had a UID and my "father" was married to someone else. What she then went on to tell me was that my mom was seriously considering an abortion and my grandma was all for it. Supposedly, the only thing that saved my life was my sister *pleading* for my mom to let her baby sister be born. Was this tale supposed to ingratiate me to her or something? Because you know what? It just makes me that much more nauseous. Especially when I think about how clingy my mom use to be. I'm not sure if I'm glad she's dead, but you know what? I'm glad I'm away from her, and now being around my sister makes me even more uncomfortable. It also makes me even more angry that I didn't have a dad growing up. If anyone reads this, you might have heard me mention my dad in some context or another. Well, obviously, the man of whom I speak is not actually my father. I love him so much, and he's said I'm like a daughter to him, but I know if he really knew what I was about...he wouldn't like me very much. And that hurts...a lot. Mi tio wouldn't care though, he'd love me anyway...
On the upside of my trip to Florida! I got a new puppy and an iguana named Izzard.
Since getting back home, I've collected around 17 ducks. My remaining hen from last year is sitting on a nest of 11 eggs now. I wish I'd have found the nest before she started sitting though...Duck eggs taste pretty good.
My love of Pern and Masterharper Robinton has also been rekindled. I need to find the Harper Hall Trilogy. I always found it a little sad that Robinton and Menolly never got together, even for a lizard flight :(
I'm currently on the second book of the Firebringer Trilogy. I've been reading it between vetting/contesting my ponies on Pony Island. I finally reached my goal of getting enough Bonus Points (BP) to open up all my options when I make Starters (Foundation ponies). Yeah they're just pixel-pets, but they remind me of my lost "'Little Ponies" and I like them. If anyone is interested, go to
http://www.ponyisland.net/index.php?recby=35304 and make sure "Harper" is in the "recruited by" box so I'll get credit.
I need my prozac...and my ear hurts...