Behind the cut are a few of my responses to comments that I have read in other journals over the last few days. I have placed them behind a cut so as not to offend the more sensitive readers.
Original Comment
If John McCain wins the elections I'm going to blow my brains out.
My Reply
Please be sure to use hollow point shells. They will do more damage as they go through your head. Also be sure to place the barrel of the gun against the roof of your mouth. I would hate for you to end up in a vegetative state and on life support for the rest of your life. But since you would be willing to kill yourself over not getting your way in an election, you are apparently already brain dead so maybe they will pull the plug.
Original Comment
If McCain wins, I'm moving to Ireland.
My Reply
Do you need any travel brochures? Please go ahead and move anyway. If you can't live in a multi-party system in which you might live with a candidate that you didn't vote for, you might want to consider China instead. There you only get the one choice.
Original Comment
McCain scares me?
My Reply
Really? Does he eat babies? If McCain scares you, a 72 year old, decorated retired naval officer, then stay away from any major metropolitan city. There are much scarier people riding the subways.
Seriously people. McCain and Obama both have the best interest of the people in mind. Neither one is going to eat babies or set off a-bombs at the Superbowl. The country will survive either one. I personally believe one is just misguided in how he wants to help and how it will impact the country.
Oh and if you are one of the people I've quoted above and are offended. Good. I was offended by your comments.