(no subject)

Jun 18, 2008 13:55

[Private || Unhackable]

I know, by logic and by rote, that the future is not set in stone. Everything is shifting, changing, that we choose how the future will go. But Anakin is my future, his very existance here - his and Luke's - is proof of that. That evidence aside, as the nature of the City is mysterious anyway, I have to ask myself how much stock I put in my own visions. Luke tells me that they are true, that he killed all those people, all of the Creche, who are only children. I'm not sure how to face him, in that light. How do I look into his face and pretend - because, in honesty, I would have to pretend - that I did not see what he did?

Anakin is a good man. I sense conflict in him, but he is a good man. He has obviously worked very hard for what he has acheived. What went wrong to send him to the Dark Side?

How do I reconcile with it?

I haven't been this conflicted since my departure from the Order on Melida/Daan. Do I tell Knight Skywalker that his future Master who he loves was once a failure as a padawan, who had to leave the Order? Would it matter, in the long run? These are questions that I do not know the answer to. Despite the assurance that I know I am ready for Knighthood and my trials, I would really like to speak to my Master on this topic. I would like to know his opinion because maybe then I would understand what I'm supposed to do in this situation.

I fear that I will always look at Anakin's face and see blood, and I cannot let that fear cloud me. It is not fair, not when I don't know if there is anything to fear, if that fear will change anything. To further that, Anakin has not done any of those things yet.

Do I judge the man by the decisions he has made or the ones I know he will make?

Master Qui-Gon Jinn, please find me soon. I need to speak to you desperately.


Harry, I extend my apologies for my behavior at your school. Quite obviously I was cursed, and none of those things would have happened otherwise.

In Coruscant, there is a diner in one of the levels closer to the top of the plant. The entire planet, in case you aren't familiar, has been covered in buildings, and all those buildings constructed on levels, so only the upper ones get access to natural light.

In any case, this diner serves very good food, and considering that Earth food confuses me quite a bit, I was hoping someone could suggest a diner to me here. Because Jello looks a bit like a life form that my Master would have taken care of. It moves on it's own; I try not to eat things that do that.

[ooc: The pain can be felt by fellow Jedi! Icon is something happier than that, too]
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