Mr. Handler

Sep 03, 2008 19:54

"But following the birds is like following that taxi instead of the passenger. You might as well emphasize with that Chinese woman, whom I first spotted on the subway in New York, where this book begins. My wife and I were coming home one night and arguing like we do. I told my wife I was going to leave her for the Chinese woman at the end of the subway car, and I stalked off and stood next to this oblivious woman until my wife and I were laughing hysterically at either end of the car. We went home happy together, and the woman never appeared in our lives again until I wrote this book"

Adverbs, Truly by Daniel Handler, one of my favourite authors.

I love this paragraph. It helps you think about the trival side of arguments, life even. It reminds me of many great things that I experience and things that people have said to me in the past.

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