thursday, weekend, Sigur Ros in Toronto

Apr 03, 2013 01:52

I'll just write this entry by narrating pics.

thursday before heading to tanyas I was ina bit of a mood... so I ate a tub of ice cream. It didn't make me feel better but i was a bit sugar high.

Then i realized Jenn was coming in from booklyn to stay at Tanya's for the night and so after having some bunny time, i got ready and headed over. The plan was that we'd drink 40's together but she got wine in stead. Surprisingly, this 40 was not terrible. I guess i could be homeless if this was what i had to look forwards to... haha (not haha, i should never say that again)

This was the bar in the hostel I stayed at. I actually really liked it. It kind of reminded of the pink and nietchez (sp?) combined... I met a really cool girl at the bar and we sat talking about all kinds of things for hours.... but the next day she turned out to be kind of annoying. She wouldn't leave me alone. I mean  i liked her, i just wanted to be alone while  i did homework.

View from my bed of the grocery store where i bought my lavish breakfast.

I got woken up by that girl i met so she could use my charger... somehow she got into my room to poke me awake. I was almost completely naked but at that point  i didn't really give a fuck.... hope she wasn't freaked out by my body hair when i got up to get it. :P

It seriously took me two hours to eat all of this. it doesn't look like much but seeing the actual plate of fruits and veggies in front of you really put it in perspective. I didn't want to put it in the fridge because it was so gross... the kitchen was seriously sick. i found out on the last day as  i was leaving that there was ANOTHER kitchen that was actually nice.

Tanya! we went to eat at this place on The Esplanade (not esplanade st, ave, rd.... But, THE Esplanade. seriously?) called the beer market (not properly spelled) but decided to go somewhere else instead called fran's. I had breakfast... it was kind of a commercial diner-y place but it was really tasty food and the the price point was reasonable. I liked it.

concert... I was sort of close, sort of far. right in the middle, i guess that means? haha... I liked it and had a great time, but  i really felt the venue lacked that aspect of intimacy that sigur ros needs to feel truly great. You could feel it, the whole audience was a bit... muted. i took video, but the audio is probably shit. i didn't bother listening. They played a lot of my favorites, but they left out gobbledigook. (check it out [link=]here[/link]. nsfw due to naked people running through forests. I'd really like to be doing that at some point.) I didn't really get to sit with Tanya or Jens, but we reconvened after the show to walk back to the hostel. Tanya and I had beers at the bar, and Jens went back to his friend's place

These are just random pics i took around the hostel... it was so gritty and weird and kinda ghetto, but  i ended up actually really liking it.

sigur rós, canada, travel, music

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