
Feb 02, 2011 05:00

today is mah birfday!!!

I'd like to go back to school. I figured maybe i could start at ECC, and finish up, retake all the courses i was taking when i dropped out... Then perhaps transfer to UB and major in linguistics..?? minor in korean, and take a shitload of language courses... and do what, i don't know, but something is just telling me to learn, learn, learn...

i started studying korean again, and began to learn katakana and hiragana, and i have to say, it was a lot easier for m to learn how to read and write hangul, than to read and write kana. it's just not sticking for whatever reason... :( that just means i have to try harder...

i am good with spanish, but i feel like i should complete my education in it, and gain fluency, take the test...

i'd really like to learn a lot of languages...

maybe russian...

chinese just seems too daunting... :/

language, school, birthday

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