
Mar 25, 2010 11:14

so i've been pretty sick since monday evening... i called off work from tuesday morn to today, thursday. that's pretty much unheard of. NO one in the kitchen gets to call off. i hope i still have a job there. whatever.

i hate it there anyways. wouldn't look good on my resume though...

so yeah, i've had enourmous tonsils, stiff neck, mondo headaches, achey joints, dizzyness unto stumbling around the house, and a crazy runny nose.

today i finally feel a lot better but i want the extra day off to let it peacefull leave my system as opposed to me working my ass off and getting sick all over again because my body had no chance to recover. maybe that makes me an ass for shoving more work on my co workers for one more day, but it's better than coming back and having to take off again because i got sick again. right?

so this being sick thing has some weird side effects... i've been having the most OUTRAGEOUS dreams. and i can't even explain any of them! and they were continuous because i wake up many times in the night, and when i go back to sleep i go back to the continuation of those dreams. like... one was me at the most extra ghetto college ever with all of my black friends from highschool (my subconcsious is racsist????? i'm not i swear!) and there was some fight about this girl who was doing all of the cool girls homework and she refused to do someones so she got beat up and the staff got involved and then that passed. then i was just walking around the grounds outside and there were a group of people i know by a tool shed, some were on the roof and the rest were in it's shadow and they were kneeeling over something ( i dont remember what) and all of a sudden there was a pizza delivery woman (also black, with fantastic beads and weave) AND she was on the roof of the tool shed and they couldnt get the attention of the girl who was supposed to pay, so i tapper her hat and then she payed. so the pizza disappeared quick and some girl came up who was really important and asked for some and there was no more, so the way... jerbera, as she was named in my dream but not in real life, apologized (i can't remember her real name for whatever reason!!) was by rubbing all over the wall and saying sorry and making goofy faces at her....

i... don't know. there were others. like i had a dream my sister sarah was here and didnt do anything about it when michaels mom stopped over and gave the dog back even though they knew i wasn't allowed to have it. so i woke up to my crazy dog running around. THAT i thought was real untill i really woke up.

one of my old bosses was in another dream.

then i had a dream i was in a gay club and behind th e bar were half people have springs.... but the kind of looked like muppets/i dont even know. so the bounced around on big springs. i got caught in a giant man pile and couldn't escape it because noone would let go of me... but eventually i did. then when i walked by the bar, one of the springy guys grabbed my foot and i tried really hard to get him off but he stretched so far across the bar, but finally sprang back. then his "girlfriend" or whatever got mad at me and tried to curse me out.

AND THEN! i was at some sort of terrible tribute concert to some dead singer whom i didnt know at all, and everyone was so bad they were boo'd off stage.

so yes. i've been sick. and these are the results on a steady diet of echinecea&goldenseal tablets, 5 ibuprofens at a time (200miligrams?), 4 benedryls a day, 2 decongestants a day, multiple zicam a day, and lots of juice and water.

needless to say: i am all good right now :D j/k i feel much better today, i haven't taken anything since 6 in the morning and went back to bed.


also: i have moved!

any letters are to be addressed as such:

Robert thoren
51 elmwood apt. c
Buffalo, ny 14201

it's twice as large as my last apartment and 50 dollards cheaper. i get tons of light, and theres lots of windows. the kitchen has a huge bay window and i LOVE IT. theres no real drawers and there very little cupboard space. that can be fixed though if i have some put in, eh?

i've also mad some short term goals:

- get my passport
- save a ton of money
- go to iceland and get an hilton employee rate here (i work at a double tree, which is a hilton)
- or stay at a hostel or two while i am there. (they look very nice)

- and, when i comeback, make a decision about what i want to go back to school for.

I think that's all for now. i'll leave the depressiing things for next time :D

dreams, life, school, iceland, travel, sick

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