my ever changing life

Jan 13, 2008 06:30

alot changes in a day i can tell you that. especially what you learn about people, how you feel about people, and how people feel about you.

there's someone I'm 3 seconds away from cutting out of my life. I'm totally done with it.

there's someone I'm a little eager to bring into my life, but it's kind of a whole huge thought process. and feelings process.

there's someone i've learned something utterly depressing about and also utterly revolting at the same time

a lot of other relationships are shifting fast. I feel that I'm growing closer to other people and even still more people are making their way into my already crowded life. it's like a story with too many characters.

I've felt that certain people are even more cemented into my life than they already were as well, and i feel that i share a strange karmic bond with these people. I hope they never leave.

I just spent three hours on the phone with a boy who knows very little of how to handle himself with me,(nor I with him.) and I feel dangerous i guess right now. dangerous as in happy. or maybe content? i feel like sighing? well i have been. He's terribly intelligent and if ever you wanna get my britches in a bunch, that's how to. use some brain cells.

i know it sounds lame but can we just cuddle? can sex not exist?

i really don't want sex to exist. i just want comfort of loving intentions and actions to exist. that's not real though. and believe me, i'm human, people. I am, indeed, a sexual being and it would be fantastic if sex really did mean nothing at all, but it unfortunately does, so i'm afraid i can't just go throwin it around.

"hug all day and night?"
"why of couse, I'd love to!"

I thinkit's dangerous i like this boy a lot. sometimes i wondered if i'm just not allowed to like someone? but I know things like that are stupid.

I know something is coming, i can feel it in the air. I know somethins gonna hit me upside the head. whether or not it's him, I dunno, but it'd be kinda rad.

"rabbit, where'd you put the keys, girl?"

I feel like cutting paper into shapes.

life, lies, friends, love, boys

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